
522 Nico The Hunter

While Max was busy in orbit, Nico was busy in the city below, clearing Narsians from the urban area with brutal efficiency.

"You seem to have a personal grudge against these creatures." Huntress Khan, leader of the Hunters here, asked from inside the cockpit of her Suit, Dominus.

"This is the species that managed to mangle my body so badly that I ended up as a Cyborg," Nico replied, blasting apart a high-rise building to let the rubble drop on top of a Narsian patrol.

"You seem to have made out quite well for yourself, even in your biomechanical body." The Huntress pointed out.

"It's the principle of the thing. They had me outnumbered two hundred to one. There was no need to be sore losers and mangle my body like that." Nico complained.

"Most of those ones are still alive." The Huntress pointed out, meaning the ones under the rubble.


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