Once all of the tourists were safely back aboard the ship, Max contacted the Mercenaries to make the payment for their work getting the Moon Base ready for the tour. It was a huge hit with everyone who went. Even the Shin enjoyed the tour of the exotic underground minerals, and they generally weren't fond of underground spaces.
[Thank you for your prompt payment, Terminus. Would you like to dock with our vessel or send a runabout to us with the product?] The Mercenary leader asked.
Normally Mercenaries would be much less accommodating about getting their payment, especially in payment after services rendered situations, but with the reputation of the Reavers, it was not a big concern. They knew that they would get paid sooner or later.
[Please proceed to Bay E7, and we will transfer your goods.] Max confirmed, leading them to the storage bay where the product was prepared for pickup.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: