
484 Birthday Presents

Max entered the ballroom with Nico on his arm, much to Mary Tarith's delight, when the Reaver met him just inside the door.

"Happy Birthday Lord Commander. It is an honor to be here for your eighteenth birthday. Such a momentous occasion for all Reavers, even ones who have distinguished themselves early in life."

"I suppose it is a bit different for me. I won't be receiving an official placement within the Company for one, and I won't be saying goodbye to a Mentor for another." Max agreed.

"That's why we have to try harder to make it noteworthy so that you don't forget about it in the future. This is supposed to be a memorable event, a coming of age rite, and not just another week in your past." Mary Tarith informed Max with a smile.

"I would say it was fairly memorable. I got to use a Titan Class Mecha against aliens on a resort world to pressure an entire region into joining the Trade Group." Max laughed.


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