Max raced between the stone pillars of the badlands, coming into sight of the Omwat forces just as they turned their attention upward to deal with the incoming drone bombers.
They had a single Super Heavy Mecha with them, a development that Max hadn't expected since the designs were so hard to obtain outside of the Reaver factories where Uncle Lu was doling out the good stuff like candy on Halloween.
It was turned to face the West side, where a number of Ion Blasts had just come in, so Max unleashed two of his Disruptors into its back a quarter second apart. The first disabled its shielding, and the second punched through its torso, vaporizing its cockpit and power plant at the same time, sending it crumbling to the ground as Max picked off the leaders of the Heavy Mecha Battalions.
Rule one of causing Chaos, target the leadership first. Then, once the enemy has no leaders, you can rampage.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: