
475 Planetfall

Max searched the planet's surface until he found the perfect spot to drop off his forces. There was an industrial city near a huge lake in an open prairie area, with frequent rock outcrops that could easily hide a Heavy Mecha. Badlands, they were called on Kepler Terminus, but Max wasn't sure if that was their official designation.

There were two Omwat Mecha Regiments in the area, and a city defense force of unknown strength, so the odds weren't that bad for Terminus, and they could establish a foothold that would let them move out through the region and work on eliminating the rest of the invading forces.

The simple number suggested that if they didn't act fast, there wouldn't be much left to save. Fifteen Mecha Regiments per side was enough to destroy everything worth destroying on a planet within a matter of weeks, even if the defenders did their best to save the infrastructure.


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