
448 Repair Plans

"We used species of flora that are foodstuffs or visually pleasing to the Humans, which you can relocate if you don't like them. We can also bring more if you like. There are gardens like this, with the same plants and soil in the common areas in the center of the ship.

The other species enjoy the scent and sight of flowers, so we put a large number of them aboard the ship."

One of the Shin darted forward and snuggled its roots deep into the soil, finding that it was only half a meter thick, then reached a root up to tap the hanging hose, making it spray water over the area.

[Look, water sprinklers. Do you think we can raise them, so I can make it rain on my canopy? That would be amazing.] They asked.

"Just control the panel at the door. It is in Alliance Common at the moment. You can adjust the height of all the hoses as you prefer." Max informed the happy plants.


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