
437 Holy Truth

"I should return to the surface and give my people the good news. Being part of a Trade Alliance is a big deal to them since it will increase our revenue for the planet's services. Even before we introduce them to the new technologies, this day is a cause for celebration on Klux." Lord Joseph declared, then stood up and straightened his uniform.

"I am certain that the revelations of the day have been hard on the constitution. If you would like to return to the surface and inform your people, just leaving behind the trainees to learn to pilot the shuttle will be sufficient. We will make the delivery in the morning." Nico agreed, also rising to her feet to bid farewell to their new Alliance members.

"Thank you for your hospitality then, and we will be looking forward to the arrival of the Replicators. The first of them will go to the cafeteria of the government building so that all workers and petitioners can enjoy the benefits of our new Alliance equally. 


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