Lord Joseph's question made all of the staff from Terminus laugh. This is a Reaver ship. How could we not have Rum? Putting aside the fact that we have replicators, just think of where you are.
"Of course we do," Max told him, taking the flask he had created out of the flat space and taking a sip before passing it over.
The tradition was one of trust, showing your guest that the bottle wasn't poisoned, but from the look on the planetary leader's face, it wasn't necessary. He simply needed the drink as soon as possible in hopes that it would help his brain recover from the shock that he had received.
Joseph finished the flask of Rum in one long swallow, then accepted the staff's lead to his seat at the round table they had prepared for lunch.
"That is a fine Rum. Where did you get it?" He asked curiously, staring at the empty flask, which was made out of some sort of plastic he didn't recognize.
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