
430 Can't Trade That

Max trained for an hour, keeping up his physique, even though the gains had seriously slowed down due to a lack of the extreme exertion that was needed to properly test himself at his current level of physical ability.

If Nico said it was cool enough that he had to see it in person, Max would come to check it out as soon as he finished his morning routine. The development team had a lot of new material to work with, and they could have developed almost anything in the last few weeks since meeting the hunters and receiving new technology.

When he reached the development lab, he was met by the sight of Nico happily petting some sort of Mobile Suit, only a little taller than she was. There were a number of other suits in the lab, all in different sizes, and they appeared to be designed to mimic a soldier in Special Forces battle armor.

There were also tables with an assortment of items that Max wasn't able to identify, as well as racks of weapons.


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