The five Battalions encircled the ruined city, setting up within direct line of sight to two other Battalions so that the overlapping fields of fire could prevent mass Klem movement out of the region, at least above ground.
If the Klem wanted to move below ground, it would alert the seismic sensors, and the Regiment would have to decide what to do about them, but for the moment, the voracious insects were trapped within the ruins, pinned down by artillery fire from the Super Heavy Mecha, and hunted by Cleansing Light maintaining a flying vigil overhead.
Max couldn't keep that up forever, though. He was alone in the cockpit, so he would have to land and sleep eventually, the one great disadvantage of a single Pilot setup.\
The Battalions had already set up a three-shift rotation on the front lines, with one group on duty, one on standby, and one resting at all times, so they could instantly mobilize two-thirds of their forces if a large attack began.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: