"It was a pleasure getting to explore the public areas of Terminus, Commander Keres. I will return to the meetings and inform them about the viewpoint of The Alliance, as so many of them have attempted to gain an audience in the past.
Perhaps some might have a change of mind about their future path, knowing that there is such a large group of peaceful species out there, just waiting for us to be ready to join them." General Kirkland told Max.
Max nodded and gave the General a conspiratorial wink. "I suspect they might have to wait just a little bit longer, but please do record their reactions. I might not be able to attend, but I don't want to miss out on that spectacle."
"Of course. The Imperial Family has made the same request as well." General Kirkland chuckled, then tipped his hat and entered his shuttle, making ready to launch back to the station for the meetings.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: