After their deal with the vampires was finished, Terminus made its way toward the border through the newly quarantined sector, making a point to note and not respond to any messages that were the least bit suspicious or that came from a planet whose data traffic didn't seem to match the situation on the surface.
Calculating this way and sending the vaccine probes to every inhabited planet that they passed slowed them by a significant amount, and it took them almost a week to get clear of the region where the virus could possibly have spread to.
The sector that they were passing through now hadn't suffered any unrest of either the Zombie or the Rebel sort.
"So, how are the data feeds on the planets that we vaccinated?" An Illithid doctor asked Max as they passed a Binary star system, whose mismatched stars made the most amazing cat-eye effect when viewed from a certain angle.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: