Max woke up on the morning of his birthday to the soft feeling of what he assumed was Nico giving him a kiss on the forehead.
"Good Morning, and Happy Birthday," Max mumbled.
"Good Morning to the Birthday Boy." Mary Tarith giggled as she stood up.
"Birthday Breakfasts are a tradition in our family, but I had no idea what you like to eat, so I had Nico let me in to wake you up." The matron of the Tarith Family explained.
"Anything that's better than an MRE pack is fine by me, but if there is fresh fruit juice, that is even better," Max told her, stretching out in the bed as he began to wake up properly.
Despite the fact he was only sleeping under a light blanket, Max found himself stifling hot and somewhat sweaty this morning, making him wonder if there was something wrong with the temperature control in his suite.
"If you want to pick some breakfast food, I will catch a shower, and then we can eat," Max suggested.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: