
307 Blessed Announcement

According to all of the initial data that Max was getting back from Terminus's systems, the landing didn't actually cause any structural damage to the vessel. Given its tremendous size and weight, Max had expected some sort of structural stress fracturing, but it appeared that the ship's systems managed to prevent everything that he had feared.

Even the data on required power levels to get back to orbit all looked good, and they could return fully loaded without any issue, if there were materials on the surface that they needed to take back up with them. 

As far as Max knew, everything that was needed in orbit was already there, so Terminus should be heading back up very light, but not for a few more days. They had the final checks to do before they moved again, but they also planned to wait for the Refugees to get settled into jobs on the surface and attend the wedding of General Yaakov and Gwen Tarith.


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