"You heard the man, we are finished here in the empty stasis quarters, let's go explore the engine compartments." Nico declared, far too happily for Max's peace of mind.
He didn't need to be a mind reader to know that she was intending to find a way to get the engines of the Colony ship back online so that they could travel through space in style.
"You're thinking of something strange aren't you?" Major Miller asked, thinking the same thing as Max.
"Define strange? It just occurred to me that if we are still on this mission and haven't officially turned in the Colony ship when our tour of duty ends, legally we are allowed to keep it." Nico suggested with a slight giggle.
"See, now that's what most people would call odd. A proper soldier of the Empire is not supposed to make plans to inhabit a captured Colony Ship and explore the Galaxy selling trade goods to species that most of the Kepler territory doesn't even know exist." Major Miller pointed out.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: