
244 Just A Minor Adjustment

Twenty-three hours after the others departed, General Tennant deemed it safe to begin the modifications to the mountain region to form a hidden base that could be passed off as a Mercenary stronghold, including large underground Mecha Hangars.

In an emergency, this location could be used by the Kepler Military as well, so the effort was not a lost cause, only a contingency plan.

Max looked down at the plans he had drawn for his Battalion's portion of the complex and then out at the Mecha around him. The Corvettes wouldn't be an issue, and the twelve-meter tall Crusader Replacements, with their sharp angles and radar absorbent black paint, should also be fine, but designing a hangar bay for the X137 Super Heavy was more difficult. 

Where the relatively slender and humanoid Mecha that made up the rest of the force could walk two abreast through a standardized door, the Super Heavy units would struggle to fit at all.


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