While Max was working through the frustrations of an all-new Super Heavy Chassis design, Nico was having the time of her life doing the live testing of the X109 Fast Attack Crusader. Built with the angular and humanoid design more common with Line Mecha, and sporting an incredibly powerful thruster array on its back, it could traverse terrain with incredible speed, moving at hundreds of kilometers an hour.
Any enemy that saw a wing of these Mecha coming at them would be rightly scared out of their wits, once they realized what they were seeing.
The Mecha was designed for close to medium range combat, with the new fusion flamer on its left arm, and a sword in its right hand, with an experimental disruptor cannon, mounted over its right shoulder. That was the truly fearsome weapon of the group unless you were in a light Mecha, which would be turned to slag in an instant by the fusion flamer.
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