
Chapter 113 Facing Mortality

The Narsian advance was stubbornly refusing to break under their Bombardment, and it didn't take Max long to realize why. The giants had obtained a mobile energy shield large enough to cover an entire Regiment of ten thousand giant infantry soldiers.

Simply put, none of their shells were actually hitting the enemy.

[Clear all the forward units first. Eliminate their scouts.] Max ordered, knowing that the shield would prove much less effective at close range. 

[Close up the defense, pull the back side onto the hill. Captain Catan, rig the mine to blow. I don't want any of the isotopes to survive if we have to leave here in a hurry, understand?] Max rattles off orders, his calm demeanor keeping everyone operating smoothly, even after they learned what was coming for them.

Max hadn't let them down yet, and they had faith that he was hiding some secret plan to get them out of here alive. 


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