As they approached the village the squad of scout mecha slowed and then stopped.
[What are they doing?] One of the convict Line Mecha pilots asked over the secure channels.
[Did you think that they were dumb enough not to notice a brand new trench complex all around a village that's only supposed to have a single special forces squad in it? They're deciding what to do.] Captain Tarsus laughs at him.
They all wait anxiously to see what course of action the Mecha are going to choose.
[Show yourself and report.] The Lightfoot Pattern Crusader demands.
[Squad 32 stand up.] Nico instructs, rising up out of the dust and rubble.
Convict recruits wear prison uniforms until they are pardoned, so squad 32 is still wearing prison coveralls under their body armor.
[Hotel Juliet Six and Tarith's Rage have reinforced Bridge Control. What is he Good Word Patrol?] Nico's artificial growl comes through on the Rebel channel.
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