While the rest of the evening passed without another mecha attack, they did occasionally hear vehicles in the distance headed towards the front lines. Max reported all movement they detected to command, but for the most part the night was eerily calm.
Around two in the morning Nico's voice broke the silence of Stalwart's radio.
[Get some sleep. I'll bet you two spicy cheese tubes we've got an attack coming before noon, so you'll need to be in peak shape. I'll keep watch for the night bombing raids.]
[You can't have my cheese. Wake me at the first sign of trouble.]
The banter made the soldiers of the Bravo Company smile. Some forms of currency were truly universal. Both pilot and infantry rations contained the highly regarded condiment.
[Low Altitude aerial attack incoming from the South. All flak guns prepare to engage] Nico called out just as the sun came up, bringing the camp to full alert.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: