Yohoho brook😂❤️
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The last line....lol
This might be Diablo final form😁✌️
I don't understand is it a necromancy skill or summoning skill as I know that in necromancy u have to revive dead warriors or soldiers to fight but in this case he just summons them again and again so basically they are just immortal....
Well, necromancy can be considered creating artificial life. These abilities more like summoning though. Bet the real Diablo be quite offended a simple skeleton named after him. Enjoyed the start up in other book more.
So he starts with a skeleton and wolf as battle lackeys
Necromancy + summoner
diablo is here ......
Khahahahah na hora que apareceu que o protagonista poderia nomear seu primeiro lacaio como ele quiser eu pensei vai ser Diablo! E realmente foi esse autor realmente sabe como nomear kkkkk🥳😎
I remember having a necromancer class in adventure quest and I grind it for like, about 4-5 days. And having the Skeleton companion pays the days of hard work.
Thank you kindly for the chapter 😁
The mc is too op
Gracias - Thanks
Thanks for the chapter
thanks for the chapter
He should of name it red headed stepchild
thx for the chapter 😻