

It was cold, but Avana could barely feel it as her adrenaline flooded her system. Or, maybe it was the wolf inside her, fighting its way out, wanting release from its bond. Whatever it was, it was helping her in her fight for survival.

However, she seemed to be lost. But where was she going anyway? She did not exactly think this through when she scampered out of that tent and ran through the woods.

But could she even go back to that house, knowing what they were? Was she safer out here in the woods than be with the company of their mortal enemies?

"What am I going to do?" She questioned her fate, looking up at the night sky, barely seeing the moon goddess hiding in a thick cloud as the thick trees also prevented it from raining its brightness against the darkness.

She continued to walk in the woody area, barely seeing any passable route. Then, she had to choose between a fork-like path. 

Right or left? 

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