

Vanessa too, seemed shocked at once and then looked away as well.

It was an action that attracted all of our attention.

All of us had the same thought in our minds.

The two people who would probably strangle each other in their arms without batting an eye and scream curses at each other each time they touched were now acting like two shy middle-schoolers who shared crushes.

"What the fuck...?"

I wonder who said that.

But all of us had the same thought.

"What the fuck indeed."

The first town over from the Naraka city. Now without the guidance of any map, finding the place was certainly rather difficult, but with the help of the knights and guards as our guides through the forest and the super user-friendly interface of Ebon's roads, we managed to get to our destination without much trouble.

At the gates of the next city which had a much tamer sounding name of Khajur, we stood in front of the knights and guards.

Next chapter