
- Nightblades of Terror (3)

"Why are you trying to persuade me to join the Bloody Dawn? It'll never work."

"You made that clear the last time we spoke. But I had hoped in the time since that you would have changed your mind. I had at least hoped that you would be able to recognise that we are simply two ends of the same thing. You said that we were nothing but terror to you, wasn't it? Well I hope that you understand that you are capable of inflicting that same terror on us. That is war."

"We're not. We can't do things that you do, on the scale that you do them."

"Such is the way of the world," the Nightblade Alpha said. "We are not equal, but we are the same." As he spoke, the other Nightblades in the room rose from their seats and drew weapons that were tucked away within their armour.

Two of them had daggers, but there was some variance in the form of a bladed chain and something that looked like a crossbow. As they talked, the Alpha chose not to reveal a weapon just yet.

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