
Crafty plans

The serene quietness of the church reflected in the elderly woman's eyes who held a soft smile on her lips. Though Jun didn't remember the conversation in the time-space realm, she did very clearly.

She looked at him with stars twinkling in her irises. "So. Did you get what you wished for?"

Jin threw a scowl at her. "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you want your brother and your love to be together?"

He was quick to clarify. "I don't love her."

"Ah but your heart doesn't say so."

Her playful smile was frustrating the hell out of Jin. "Okay you might be God or something but you are annoying! Why are you here? What do you want from me? I already told you that I am keeping my distance from Shui!"

She sincerely nodded. "And I came here to offer my generous help."

"I don't want your help."

"Aish, did my intervention with your accident cause such a trauma?" She innocently blinked. "Don't worry, this time it's very safe."

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