
Not used to it

His lips parted in shock. Needless to say, Yating was startled to know this revelation. He had no idea that Gu Rong was cooking a marriage idea in his mind. He knew he was harping about choosing his wife for him, but he didn't give any hint that Yating was supposed to meet a woman.

Chyou continued. "Uncle Gu brought the proposal to Dad one day and said it would be nice if we could meet at the banquet."

Yating shut his eyes and wished for the universe to swallow him whole.


He sincerely apologized. "I am really sorry. Dad didn't say a word about this to me or I wouldn't have stood you up like that. It was rude of me not to meet you."

"No, it's okay. I kind of saw some argument happening between you two. I figured you wouldn't do anything after that your Dad tells you to. Sometimes, my brother is like that too when he fights with Dad haha."

Yating sighed. "...Yeah, that's pretty much what happened."

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