
Natukashi Bakery

When Jun and Mrs. Quan were having their secret conversation, Ai had quietly slipped out of the library, thinking of the question she had asked.

'Have you made any chocolate for Jun?'

Ai pursed her lips and clasped her hands together.

We are not in a relationship. It's not like I have to give him a chocolate with that meaning.

She contemplated.

But Jun has done a lot for me. I can give him some as my gratitude.

Or so she consoled herself with that motivation.

Ai had no time to make any chocolates and considering her baking experience, she decided against trying to even think of doing anything to make sweets.

At the very least, I can buy some good chocolates.

She searched for some good bakeries and found one with the highest reviews and popularity. None of the other bakeries could match up to it. So, Ai decided to visit the shop.

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