
Gehenna Tribe [2]

A year.

It flew by before anyone even realized it.

With the Saintess' approval, Damien's trio was given permission to live in the village, however, it wasn't an unconditional thing.

The three of them were far too uncultured by the villagers' standards.

They didn't know any language, they didn't know how to properly hunt in the jungle, and they didn't know the customs of the world that everyone else knew.

The Saintess permitted their stay, but they weren't expected to stay for long.

She basically just freed them and allowed them to do what they wanted.

However, Damien chose to stay.

Since that was the case, he had to assimilate himself into the village.

That was the start of a new life.

If Damien's group wanted food and shelter, they needed to contribute to the tribe.

As for how to do so, the past year was really a learning experience to figure that out.

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