
Loyal Dogs

"Just think about my offer. I think your talent is wasted in the government. You're nothing but trained dogs, either way," Nial said before he walked past the bulky guard, who didn't dare to obstruct him anymore.

Nial's mana was too dense and pure for the Prometheus-ranked Guard to even think about comparing it with his own Mana. At the same time, his eyes lingered on his three fellow guards, who were barking like dogs. 

He was not sure what exactly had happened but it was quite obvious that it was Nial's doing. 

The bulky guard thought about Nial's offer and his words as he saw Nial close the door behind him.

'Who the hell is that…?'

While the bulky guard was overwhelmed and confused, Nial found himself being eyed by Melheim and three officials of the government.

"Didn't we tell the guards not to let anyone in?!" One of the government's officials asked his fellow comrades who nodded their heads in unison.

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