

When Nial finally woke up from his slumber his back was drenched in sweat, and he was panting heavily.

"That…was just a dream….right?" He asked quietly, not really realizing what had just happened.

A distinct clue that he was not asleep and caught in the loop of a horrid nightmare anymore was the fact that his eyes were as lifeless as ever.

Nial got up from the bed and attempted to stretch his body. But the moment his feet touched the ground a searing pain spread through his feet all the way up to his head.

He was electrocuted and couldn't move for several seconds as he remained in that state.

However, Nial was not really bothered by this. His mind was still tormented with the nightmare that had felt too real and too terrifying.

The images of his mother dying over and over again had been etched on his mind and Nial wanted nothing more than to get rid of them.

Next chapter