
Blackbone Bears

As the dungeon's name suggested, the Urifaer Silverwood dungeon was in a forest filled with Silverwood trees.

It was truly a huge place, where Silverwood trees towered over them crossing the height of more than 100 meters.

Their leaves were thin and transparent enough to let him see through them. However, the leaves and branches were densely packed, blocking his view of the sky.

The Silverwood trees grew close to each other like dense shrubs, so one would assume that it would be hard for even the faintest ray of sunlight to pass through the foliage. 

However, contrary to this state of darkness, the entire forest was bathed in bright light. In fact, only the area around the dungeon portal was slightly dimmer than the remaining area.

That was mostly because the immediate surrounding of the dungeon portal was void of trees, allowing light to shine on the skin of the two young men.

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