
Chapter Ten - Testing Hypothesis

"What are you six doing here in the hybrid village?" Alnah asked even while still about twelve meter distance away from us. There was a big question mark on her face while she was asking us encircling the weird tree.

"Hey, Alnah! How are you?" Reevahn greeted.

"I am wondering about what you are doing around the hybrid tree." Alnah said.

"Hybrid tree?"

"Yes. That is the hybrid tree. That is the entrance to the hybrid village."

"Oh! Isn't it a stealth control?" asked Reevahn.

"Stealth control? It's not." She ansered and landed in front of us. "As you can see, this is the gate and the only way to reach the hybrid village."

"I told you. It's enchanged." I whispered to Reevahn.

"How did you know that? You are residing in the Harpies cave, aren't you?" Brix confusingly asked.

"Remember, I am still a hybrid. Just like how the purebreds from anywhere visit the Town of Knowledge." Alnah explained.

"Oh, I see. Then, why don't you have any idea of this, Globus?" Brix said.

"We were born and raised in Master Ren's ranch and we've never gone out until you came. We just have little information of the entire Cazanette." Globus explained.

"See, Gaila, they are little 'dere-dere' now." I whispered to Gaila while she giggled.

"Now, I'll ask again. What are you six doing here? Do you have a mission in hybrid village?" Alnah asked.

"Well," Brix started while taking the paper out from his armor. "Gaila, Globus and Granger said a human Purebreed of middle class dropped this outside the palace during inauguration. We went and asked for this in the Town of Knowledge but no one has an idea so that they recommend us to the hybrid village."

Alnah checked the paper but it seems she is confused as well. "I have no idea about this as well. Maybe the Hybrid Chief has an idea. Let's go inside the village."

Between the tall roots of the Hybrid tree is a passage enough for three people to enter but we never noticed because it needs a very keen eye which cannot be affected by visual illusions. We walked on a spiral ramp and reached the tree top. We stopped at its trunk which isn't obvious outside. We reached an arch door covered with colored strings of plants and designed with arching creeping vines.

"It's amazing and beautiful." I whispered with wonder as small glowing lights freely fly inside the tree.

"Why do hybrids reside in a higher place?" Reevahn asked.

"Because most hybrids plant aerial plants for food which doesn't need water." Alnah replied.

"But I can't see a garden or farm. Where do they plant their food source?"

"Why don't we visit the Hybrid Chief first before looking for the place where they plant those aerial plants?" Brix suggested. "Because we are spending more time for the detour than for our main objective." Globus added.

"Okay." I said.

The village consists of straw huts of almost the same sizes. – twice as big as our room in the palace. On our way, a hybrid cat with wings waved, "Hey, Alnah! It has been a while since you last visited here!" "Are you an exceed?!" I said on the back of my mind. I never thought of meeting an anime creature in person.

"I am going to report the harpies' assignments." Alnah said.

"Who are you with? Hello! I'm Funny!"

"H-hello… Funny…" I greeted but in the back of my mind, I was thinking, "What?! Funny?! What kind of name is that?! And why the hell did the name of the character that I watched has a similar idea of your name?!" I can feel that the spirit of one of my favorite characters possessed me for that tsukkomi.

"Nina, are you alright? You were spacing out." Brix said

"N-np. I'm sorry."

"Hi! I heard your name is Nina. Did I scare you?"

"N-no! It's just that your name is funny."

"Yes! I am Funny. Anyway, why are you here in hybrid village?"

"We want to ask about this thing." Brix said while giving the paper to Funny.

Funny inspected the paper. It looks like he was analyzing the code. "This is funny."

"Can you read that?" Reevahn asked.

"No. I can't. I said that this is funny. There are eggs hiding between the grass! But I can see them! Hahahaha!!!"

"You are funny." We said in chorus.

"Yes! I am Funny.!"

"Why don't we go to the hybrid chief? It's going to be late." Alnah said.

We went to find the Hybrid Chief. Along the way, the hybrids looked at us with respect. Maybe it was because of Alnah or the inauguration. We ended up in front of a small bamboo gate.

"This is what we called the floating bridge. It wasn't literally a floating bridge. As you can see, there is no bridge but this is the only gate that leads to another side where the chief resides." Alnah explained.

"Why did you call it a bridge then if there is no bridge?" Brix asked.

"This is called a floating bridge because most hybrids can fly. Then the Purebreeds saw the hybrids floating in lines so they thought there was a bridge.

"I see. And only those Purebreeds with Hybrid companions are allowed to cross the 'bridge'" Reevahn said.

"I believe you are the first Purebreeds who entered the Hybrid Village so you will also be the first to cross our bridge."

"So, come on. Ride on!" Gaila said. We mounted Gaila, Globus and Granger and Alnah lead us to their chief.

The Mountain Range is higher than the center soil of Cazanette. While we were crossing the river, flying or floating in the air, we see that we were really high from the water surface. We arrived at a plateau on top of the Mountain Range. The plateau is located between two canopy forests wherein the forest floors are lower than the plateau.

There was another gate that leads to the Hybrid Chief's abode. A path of stones connects the gate and the house. On both sides are the said aerial plants for their food. The plants don't look aerial of kind because of its thick bushes. You may think that there are trunks in those plants. Maybe it's one of the species of their hybrid technology. In our altitude, the double glass layered sky is noticeable. The field is as wide as Master Ren's ranch – about a hundred hectares wide.

"How does the Hybrid Chief look like?" Brix asked.

"Why is he called the Hybrid Chief?" Reevahn asked.

"Is he a half-half or quarter-quarter something?" I asked

"I see you are excited to meet him." Alnah said. "If you see him, don't be afraid or don't laugh at him."

"What you said makes me more curious." Brix said.

"He is the most gifted species in Cazanette. He can foresee more than the Elder, even if he couldn't see you or someone related to you, he'll know." Alnah explained.

We arrived in front of the arched wooden door of the Hybrid Chief's house. Above the door is a small rusted iron bell hung from the wood awning. The den is walled by red bricks and mountain rocks. The house isn't as large as what I imagined. Its floor area is about twenty by twenty meters in my estimation.

"It's not as big as I thought but it's not as small as I thought." Reevahn said. "Why is it this tall?"

The height of the house is about twelve meters but it can't be noticed from the gate since the house is lower than the plateau grounds. It seemed that we were walking downhill since we crossed the river. Alnah pulled a string beside the door that made the two wooden doors open.

"Let's enter." Alnah said.

The room is dark and the only light we can see is the altar-looking table in front of us, decorated with small candles. There was a silhouette of a big mammal with wings resting like a four legged beast. The silhouette is like a form of a griffin with unknown head.

"Good day, Chief, how are you?" Alnah said.

"Is that you, Alnah? You have friends with you. Come past the table. My health isn't that good like always."

"What happened?"

"I'm getting old. I already feel weak. Anyway, this is a sudden visit and you brought some friends." He breathed deeply. "Three Hybrids and three Purebreeds. This is the first time that Purebreeds visit me. Hehe…"

The Hybrid Chief's voice sounds like first octave Sol note in an eight octave piano.

"They need something from you, Chief." Alnah declared.

"Really? Come near me."

"We walked towards the Hybrid Chief. The room is too dark to see him clearly. Inch by inch, we get to see his appearance. He has a feline body, canine head with downward-facing-ears, a single horn on his forehead and big eagle wings. His eyes are closed that looks like he is asleep.

"Goo day, Mr. Hybrid Chief." We greeted and chorus. He stood up from his mattress. He stood on fours and was measured at almost six feet. He sat properly and his height increased to seven feet.

"How can I help you?" he asked.

"We want to ask if you know how this letter is read." Brix said while giving the rolled paper. "Someone dropped that during the inauguration party and ran away. I believe there is a message hidden in that."

His closed eyes slowly opened and revealed a pair of glowing lime-yellow cat-eye shaped compound eyes. Maybe this is why Alnah told us not to be afraid. For these past weeks, we shouldn't have been surprised for that anymore. HGHMs look scarier than him. Even though his eyes glow while scanning the paper while we don't know what's going on in his mind, we do not feel frightened by his appearance. In my mind, I honestly feel sorry for him to be experimented.

The Hybrid Chief suddenly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It looked like he smelled the scent of the paper.

"I'm sorry if I took too long."

"No problem. Do you have an answer?" Reevahn asked.

"I'm sorry if I cannot be as accurate as you wish because of my old age and morbidity. Hahahah! I am not immortal like Miredifheimild. Haha.."

"What did you see?" I asked.

"Uh-hmph…" He coughed gently. "This paper is dropped by a pureblood human. According to its scent, it has the scent of the Mountain Range and gold. When I overlooked into it, it was written in a code that does not exist in Cazanette. Think of some possible code or writing that is related to circles and lines. That is the only thing I can help you.

"No, thank you. This is actually too much of help." Brix said.

"I hope you will solve the problem. Now, I'm going to rest."

"Sorry to disturb you. We will go ahead. Thank you." Alnah said.

We bowed in front of him and flew back to the Hybrid Village.

"Why is his room to dark?" Gaila asked.

"He is photosensitive because of his eyes. You have the same horns so that he can feel if there is danger." Alnah said.

We arrived at the palace before dark. We ate our dinner and stayed in the lounge of our big room.

"I feel good. I feel full." Brix said while he crouched down his body in the couch.

"That's unusual." Reevahn commented.

"Reevahn, do you have scientific calculator on your phone?" I asked.

"I think I have. Give me my phone."

"I handed Reevahn's phone while Brix was looking at the paper.

"Brix, you're the smartest among us. Solve the problem." I said.

"Yes, you are good at codes right? I remember you answered perfectly the test for binary, hexadecimal whatever they are called." Reevahn said.

"Okay, okay. It's good that I'm full. Just rest, the two of you."

Almost an hour later, Brix still haven't solved anything so that Reevahn and I got bored. While Reevahn was looking at the things inside my bag, I slouched down at the sofa and tapped my feet.

"I want to learn to play drums." I said lazily.

"Why don't you study? You already know how to play at least the piano and flute. Why do you want drums?" Reevahn said.

"I am poor at rhythms. If I can't play in rhythm, the music is destroyed."

"Try to start by tapping your fingers on the desk." Reevahn said as he started tapping and pounding the table as I tapped together with him.

"Ahahaha… the message alert tone is easy to do." I said.

"That is too easy."

"WAIT!!!!" Brix suddenly shouted.

"Oh, sorry to disturb you." Reevahn apologized.

"Sorry, I got bored." I said.

"No, no! It's okay. You just gave me a very smart idea!" Brix praised.

"We did? How?" we confusedly asked.

"Because of that tapping and the message alert tone discussion of yours!"


"Nina, what do you use as your message alert tone?"

"The standard one."

"Perfect! Do you know why it is called the standard message alert tone?"

"Of course not. Why should I waste my time for that?"

"That toot-toot-toot toooot-toooot toot-toot-toot means SMS"

"How did you know that?" Reevahn asked

"It's a Morse code. SOS or help can also be expressed in Morse code as toot-toot-toot toooot-toooot-toooot toot-toot-toot."


"It is not just expressed in sounds but can also be used in lights. It is also known as dash and dots or lines and dots. Dots are round, zero is round and one is a line. This letter maybe modified so that it can be firstly understand as binary system."

"Oooooh…" We said in chorus.

"I only need to write the code's letters to decode the letters."

It took Brix about thirty minutes to write the Morse alphabet and we decoded it together. A useless phrase was decoded by the three of us.

"'I do extend throwing weight to molten felt' What nonsense is this? We traveled around Cazanette for this nonsense?!" I said angrily.

"Wait, I think we're not done yet." Brix said. "If they take a lot of time changing it to Morse code just to hide a message like this, the man shouldn't be afraid and ran away."

"Yeah, if I was him, I would laugh out loud. Hahahaha!" I said

"I think you're right. So what should we do?" Reevahn asked.

"Let's play word scramble. Are you already sleepy?" Brix asked.

"I am not." I said.

"Anyway, Nina, what happened to the hourglass test?"

"I asked a servant maid to do it." I said.

"You did?!" Reevahn said.

"Yes. They're on shift until the exact time tomorrow when we went out of the palace earlier. The queen approved it so the result will be tomorrow."

"So, are you ready?" Brix asked.

We had an overnight word play just to see the hidden message. We got the Glowing tower in the phrase but we still have more letters to use.

"This 'x' letter will make it difficult. This of a letter with 'x', no bad words please." Reevahn said.

"Excite" Brix said. Reevahn just face palmed as we see Brix's face expression looked like a maniac.

"Exit" I said.

"That is better than excite. There is no 'c' in here too!"

We didn't notice the time passed by and it was already morning. The servant maid knocked on our door.

"Good morning. Oh! Our breakfast?" I said when I opened the door

"Yes, your Highnesses. The queen said you might be busy because your living room's light is still on. Here are your breakfasts."

"Thank you. Let me have it."

"No. It's my duty to put it on your table."

"Okay, you said so. Just put it on the other half. We are using the other half of the table."

The maid put the food on the table and before leaving, she said, "The clock flipped a thousand and eighty times. The time before I went here is the exact time you went out of the palace yesterday."

"Okay. Thank you and sorry for giving you tough job."

"As long as we are of help."

The servant went out of our room while Brix and Reevahn were still solving the word problem while eating. They were still writing when I sat with them.

"Hey. The hourglass flipped a thousand and eighty times."

Suddenly, their faces looked surprised and shocked then looked at me.

"Why? Is that too much? I will still divide it by sixty."

"No. not that. Look at this." Reevahn said.

I read their written phrase and I didn't know how should I react. From the useless phrase 'I do extend throwing weight to molten felt', it became 'Dont let them find the glowing tower exit'. My jaw almost dropped so I rechecked the letters and everything matched.

"So, is this confirmed? We are still in our world and trapped inside with others? There is an exit." I said.

"We can't confirm anything unless we find the Glowing Tower exit."

"We should tell the queen and Master Ren about this." Brix said.

We went to the palace's living room and found the queen, the dowager, Master Ren and Alnah. We reported what we concluded.

"So, what will you do next?" the dowager asked.

"We are going to the Glowing Castle."

"Are you already prepared?" the queen asked.

"Are you sure about that letter?" Master Ren asked.

"Yes, we are. We believe that the same group of people who dropped this letter, made this letter, the people in the Shrine and the people who took the dowager's pet are the same group of people." I explained.

"Wait!" said Elder Miredifheimild who suddenly appeared in front of the door. "I suddenly saw the near future."

"What is it?" Master Ren asked.

"The first rain." She said,

"What?!" They shouted surprisingly

"Why? What's the problem about rain? Isn't it that the existence of rain is normal? I have an umbrella. I will lend you mine." I said.

"The legend… the first rain is the end of Cazanette." Alnah said.

"Really?!" Brix said

"Are you really going to save us?" Master Ren asked. "Are you really willing to save us and not just yourselves in the end of Cazanette?" he added.

"We promise you, we will. We will never fail you." Reevahn said.

"We accepted this role and responsibility. We're not turning back." I said.

"We saw the hidden loneliness in your hears by living in this world just by yourselves." Brix said.

"We will go to the Glowing Castle to finish your hardships and free you. Just put your faith on us." I said.

"I, nymph Theta will guide your journey." The voice of the nymph Theta said.

On the back of my mind, I commented, "Why are these characters here at the same time?!"

One of the servant maids rushed to the living room to deliver news. "Your Highnesses, the people, Purebreeds and Hybrids are gathering in the banquet hall!"

"Is that true?"

"Yes, your Highness."

We rushed to see the people of Cazanette in the banquet hall. At a terrace in the mezzanine, we were surprised to see the different species talking, whispering and chatting with different emotions on their faces. Some cried, some smiled and some raged. As we walked in entourage lead by the Queen, followed by the Dowager and us, then the Elder, Alnah and Master Ren, the noise slowly reduced to silence.

"What is the commotion all about?" the Queen started.

"We heard about the first rain prophecy. Is that true?" one of the Purebreed asked.

The Elder slowly bowed her head and dozed off her eyes which might mean agreement. "So you heard." She whispered.

A Hybrid stood in front of every one. "These three outsiders that we respected, are they really our savior? Or are they the real harbinger of the disaster?"

"Who gave you that opinion?!" The Queen furiously questioned.

A Purebreed stood up beside the Hybrid. "This Purebreed explained to us the existence of those three who you believed as heroes." The Hybrid introduced.

"I'm sorry for the rudeness, your Highness. I believethat the existence of those three is more than useless. The prophecy of destruction that is taught by the first shrine priest has been overlooked by the Elder in this era. In this era, your three supposed to be heroes will be the source of chaos! They shall be annihilated!" the Purebreed clamored.

"No! They are heroes who will free us from this limited space! This land killed a king, a number of soldiers and husbands! The antagonists aren't them! The antagonist is this land itself!" a Hybrid cried.

"That happened because they did not respect the Creator's boundaries. You citizens who followed the palace is a shame to our creator." Said the Purebreed.

"What is happening?" Reevahn asked surprisingly, dropping his jaws.

"The palace unites every being of Cazanette thus maintaining peace in every corner. You should know how to respect the brain that saved most Hybrids and Purebreeds to become meat." Alnah explained.

"What does she mean?" I asked Master Ren.

"The DNA extracts of meat flavor was researched by the Dowager and his King. Before their reign, Purebreeds and Hybrids challenged each other in a Gladiator fight. The losing team will give the body of a lost comrade to the winning team and will be their meat ration for the time period. The Purebreeds of the palace were strict vegans until the Dowager and the previous King discovered extracts." Master Ren explained.

"As long as they are alive, the prophecy of chaos will be fulfilled! They shall be annihilated!" the Purebreed led.

Surprisingly, all of the hybrids and half of the Purebreeds made a wall of themselves to protect us.

"If you want to kill them, you should kill us first."

Suddenly, the remaining Purebreeds took out their hidden weapons and started attacking the group. Maces, swords, axes, spears and cross bows were aiming at both groups. The Purebreeds started to release the arrow while some hybrids flapped their wings to reverse the aim. Purebreeds took out their shield to protect themselves while some of them prepared to attack the other Purebreeds in a short distance. Some harpies throw themselves as shields of some Purebreeds in our side even though they were already out and bleeding. The harpies clawed the enemy Purebreeds which made them bleed as well. A tortoise hybrid kept himself inside the shell and rolled to the enemy Purebreeds. Some Purebreeds tried to break his shell but it was turned into an unbreakable metal-like shell.

"Stop it! You're hurting each other!" I screamed. Brix, Reevahn and I ran down to the banquet to mediate the war.

"Stop! You're hurting each other!" Reevahn yelled.

We cannot cease the fight by just telling them to stop. Alnah tried to stop the hybrids and Master Ren took out the unarmed Purebreeds. The opponent Purebreeds still attacked the unarmed Purebreeds with their spears but luckily, Master Ren jumped and took all the spears in the air. The opponent Purebreeds, instead of ceasing to attack, they were more provoked and charged to attack more.

We took out our swords immediately and topped them. We crossed swords with them, three versus a number not less than twenty. We were hit a lot a times but miraculously unwounded. Some of the Hybrids took the opportunity to attack some opponents and started mayhem. The Dowager and the Queen cannot move to stop the mayhem. We couldn't do anything but protect the others and continue to swing swords with them. It lasted for almost an hour with no one defeated and still strong, fighting for their belief.

A loud roar echoing in entire Cazanette halted the melee in a short moment. Very heavy footsteps are heard approaching the banquet hall. In every inch of steps, a very large – larger than HGHMs, silhouette appeared before us, accompanied by a human purebreed. As they were touched by light, we were able to recognize who they are.

"Stop this nonsense fight in an instant."

"Chief!" called Alnah, "What are you doing here? I thought you weren't feeling good."

"Alnah, I have important thing to say, Chaeldra, look for them now."

"Why is Chaeldra with the hybrid Chief?" Reevahn wondered.

"All hybrids and purebreeds, the Great Elder, Arthemia, Allythycne, Ren and the legends…" the chief started while his eyes are still closed. "I believe you know what these kids are decoding these past days. Have you answered the problem you consulted me about?"

"Yes, it said - " Brix supposedly answered.

"Don't tell me yet." He stopped Brix while slowly walking to the purebreed opponents. Everyone is silently watching him.

"I can smell the very scent of the paper you consulted me about, the source of the letter you found." He walked towards the purebreed who started the melee and encircled around him. "Who are you really? Where are you from? Where do you live?"

"I-I am a purebreed. As usual, I live in the Town of Knowledge. I am just an ordinary citizen, second class." He stutteringly answered.

"You have the smell of mountain and gold. You don't smell like the other purebreeds." The Chief said.

"I smell like mountain because I am a descendant of the shrine priests."

"Okay. That explains it. Chaeldra, are you done?"

Chaeldra was doing something to the purebreed's comrades which made them unconscious.

"I'm done."

The purebreed's eyes grew bigger when he saw the others fell unconscious. The others slowly rose and looked confused.

"Where are we? Is this the palace?" said one.

"Why are they holding… why are we holding weapons?"

"Chaeldra, you may explain to them what happened." The Hybrid Chief commanded.

"This is the result of mescaline. It is easy to hypnotize someone if you use a hallucinogenic drug. So you were ordered to do something out of your conscience."

"Who did this to us?" everyone's eyes were on the purebreed and were acting like preparing to attack.

"W-wait! Don't look at me like that!"

The now-in-themselves-purebreeds took a step to the group of mixed hybrids and purebreeds. "What did we do to you? Did we hurt you?"

"No. we are alright. We were protected by the hybrids."

"Good to hear that. Then who is that person?"

A bear hybrid stepped and told the purebreed. "Who are you really? Why did you do this to us?!". This hybrid has a face and color of a panda but his extremities were of a huge primate. His long arm reached the purebreed's neck and choke-lifted him. "Tell us why you are doing this or else we'll rip your body apart inch by inch, remove your skin and make it human leather!"

"You'll be dead meat!" Brix interrupted. Everyone took a glance of him because of interrupting the serious violent conversation. "Sorry." He apologized.

"Talk now or I'll start taking every piece of you."

"H..Ha…haha…HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" the purebreed laughed. "Kill me now! I won't say anything! Hahahahahaha!"

The ape-panda started to break his tibia and pulled the leg muscles. "AAAAARGHHH!!!!" the purebreed cried in pain. "You don't care if you die but you care much of small pain like this." Said the ape-panda hybrid.

Reevahn and Brix were shocked with the violence the ape-panda hybrid did. "Someone stop him!" Brix shouted. "Hybrid chief! Do something!" followed Reevahn.

No one is listening to them. Everyone was fiercely waiting for the man to talk in that torture. Even the Queen, the Dowager, the Elder and Master Ren watched as they weren't planning to stop the torture. Blood is flowing from the purebreed's body. "If ever you kill me, I will be reborn and do this again when the time comes. When the next generation comes, I'll be back…"

"Wait." Said the Elder. "I think I know how we will know who this person is." She went towards the pureebreed and requested the hybrid to lay the man down –who is still breathing and suffering with his torn legs – just like a shredded chicken's meat. The Elder touched the purebreed's head. He, who couldn't speak anymore due to dehydration from extreme blood loss, cannot control his mind anymore to prevent his conscious memories. The Elder closed her eyes.

She saw the man holding a paper. It was given to him by another man who is dressed in all black with mask and hooded cape in black as well. She expored more. She saw the purebreed visit the shrine, talked to another black caped man. She saw the man again who was inside a tunnel and opened a small golden door which lead him to a golden hall with another black caped man talked to him. A black0suited man arrived after him and then arrived few more. Later, the crowd multiplied into almost a hundred. Among them are at least ten shrine people. The first caped man in the hall patted the man's head which gave the Elder a chance to see the caped man's person. The caped man opened a metal door by clicking few buttons in a wall pad. The metal door opened and the man took off his cape. As he was removing his mask, the scene suddenly stopped and the Elder suddenly opened her eyes.

"What did you see?" the Hybrid Chief asked.

"I was seeing someone as his Master. I almost see the face but…"

Chaeldra palpated the unconscious purebreed's carotid pulse and declared to everyone. "He is dead."

"Great Elder, will you let us see what you saw?" asked Alnah.

"It's fine but you just stay calm and let this three handle whatever you see."

The Elder suddenly grabbed my hand and Alnah's. "Everyone, connect to each other and let's make a mind link."

"Close your eyes if the Elder did." Said Reevahn.

"Why?" I asked

"Just do it. We've already experience this when we were looking for you." Said Brix

Everyone was connected and formed a big circle in the banquet. The Elder started to close her eyes and everyone followed. Suddenly, my dark vision of my closed eyes turned to white fog and images of the man started to flow in my mind. I saw the purebreed visited the shrine and noticed a secret door was opened that was a wall design inside the shrine. I didn't focus on the caped men and focused on small details instead. I saw the tunnel made of iron and rocks with soil in some of its holes and a little moist wall in the right side of the tunnel. Inside the golden hall, I saw the black-suited man wearing the same suit worn by the people Gaila and I saw inside the cave beside the shrine. I saw the tunnel, the wide tunnel is made by a while porcelain, its walls and floors. The caped man typed something on a tablet installed on the wall and opened the metal door which leads to a very wide laboratory-like room.

"Don't let them find the glowing tower exit." Brix stated seriously.

"Those black suited men are the same group of men that we saw last generation." Said the Dowager.

"Y-you are my father's student?! The one who is not written?!" said Master Ren.

"Yes, she is. But she is a good person, Master Ren. It just happened that the black men are the bad guys." I said.

Everyone got at least one clue of Cazanette's mysterious system.

"What should we do to this corpse?"

"As usual, held his funeral at the shrine. That is the tradition."

The purebreed citizens sent the dead purebreed's body to the shrine with the help of some four-legged hybrids. The remaining citizens stayed in the palace.

"So, what are you planning to do?" asked the Hybrid chief

"We are going to the glowing castle and look for the glowing tower exit. They just gave us a clue on what to do." Said Brix.

"Master Ren, how does the purebreed funeral works?" asked Reevahn.

"They put the body on the altar and after a prayer, the altar opens and bury the body underground. I believe the shrine has underground graveyard that is why it was erected on the mountain. Why did you ask?"

"What he said about being reborn bothers me. I'll go to the shrine." Reevahn decided.

Next chapter