

Advance chapters on P@treon.com/Saintbarbido.



(General P.O.V)

"It's Balm."

She nudged her.

Iveah's eyebrows rose up as she traced her pencil over the crossword. She then wrote it down, before looking at the young girl wearing oversized glasses. She had long blue hair and a green hairpin on it.

"You know Aqua, you helping me solve the crossword defeats the purpose of it being a challenge."

Iveah admonished.

They were sitting inside a pastry shop, their favorite hanging out spot. Aqua pouted, turning her wide blue eyes towards Iveah.

"But big sis Ivy, it's not my fault you don't know stuff."

A waiter passing by them, snickered holding in his laughter. Iveah threw a glare his way and he quickly ran away. Ivy lightly knocked her knuckles across Aqua's head.


The younger girl rubbed the spot with a trembling lip.

Iveah rolled her eyes.

"That's not going to work on me. Now drink your chocolate before it gets cold."

Aqua happily placed the book she was reading down on the table. The book was 'Physics of the Impossible'. Written by an Author called...Ivy had to lift up the cover to see the writer's name, Michio Kaku.

"How can you read and understand this stuff? You barely look 10."

Ivy asked the younger girl.

"Age is not an indication of maturity."

Aqua replied, taking a sip of her chocolate and sighing in happiness.

"Can I get a refill?"

"Finish what's in the cup first."

Iveah nodded towards the younger girl's palms. Aqua frowned, adjusting the frame of her glasses.

"You know if it was dad, he'd let me have a refill."

She said sadly, looking down at the cup in her hands.

Iveah felt a pang of sadness stab through her. Aqua had only just been getting to know Aden. The young girl would often tell Iveah of the times that Aden would connect their minds, to show her their family. Aqua had known of everyone before she even met them. Her dad had shown her how to dream which was the only way she could interact with them.

Kai, Sai, Breeze and Vor would always end up forgetting the dream the next day but whenever they slept, Aqua would have so much fun getting to really know her brothers and sisters. Even her mom too was amazing. Whenever she would get into her dreams, Aqua would be covered by joy and warmth. Happiness that she could not explain.

In the real world, only Gaea and Iveah were really around for her. Her other big brothers were too busy to play with her but they always brought her treats and books!

"Okay. Fine, stop pouting, you'll get your damn refill in a sec."

Ivy growled in frustration, cracking a smile as she saw the happiness in Aqua's eyes.

"Good...with a delicious, savory, sweet, incredibly tasteful hot chocolate as a pick me up, I can finish this book before evening! Then I can start reading up on 'Paving Reality's way through the Intricacies of the Mind' by Lex Luthor."

The young girl whispered to herself.

Iveah acted as if she didn't hear the whisper.

It was clear to her why Aqua loved reading. She wanted to study Science and Magic and Spirit energy for one sole purpose. Finding a way to bring Aden back.

(Aden's P.O.V)

"How long ago did you sustain this injury?"

I questioned Scott.

The man was as rigid as a statue as he sat on the patient's chair.

"It's been close to a decade."

He answered.

I nodded, putting down the tab with his medical reports displayed on the screen.

"Gotta say Scott, you are one tough bastard."

I stood up, walking behind him to place my palms on the sides of his head.

"What do you mean?"

Scott wondered after a few minutes.

"You have been in many fights, correct?"

I didn't wait for him to finish, I was using my energy sense to look into his soul and the core of his abilities.

"Broken bones, torn flesh, dislocated joints and wounds that have never healed the right way. Why have you never said anything?"

Scott was silent. His eyes betraying nothing under the shades he wore.

"It is my duty as a leader..."

"To be 200% whenever you're out in the field. It's not enough to just be strong Cyclops. You need to be able to push past your limits when you can. And you can't do that if your body is simply waiting for a reason like that to break down."

He went silent in contemplation at my words.

I cut off my energy sense. Seems like Cyclops was part of the first category of mutants I named, Aspect D. We'll get to that in a few.

"Ok, don't be afraid. Hold your breath."

I instructed.

White flames washed out of my hands, covering his head before going through his body. The flames entered his mouth, ears and nostrils, briefly cutting off any air supply. Then I controlled them to move through the sequela left behind from his past injuries.

A few seconds later the white flames vanished and I clapped my hands.


Cyclops held himself on the chair, losing his balance for a split second.


I reached out and removed the shades.

"No!...no what are you doing!"

He scrambled for them while closing his eyes.

"Open them, Scott."

I told him softly.

He directed his gaze to the ground, aiming his eyes to the floor so as to not hurt me. Haha.

Cyclops opened his eyes and immediately, concussive beams tore through the marble floor. Cyclops instantly closed his eyes, his face changing into a rictus of anger.

"You said you would fix..."

"Hey hey."

I interrupted him.

"You have to consciously deactivate your powers."

That stopped him short.

"Oh. Sorry"

I shook my head, sighing.

"It's fine. Try again."

Scott exhaled and then, almost gingerly he opened his eyes.

No red beams of pure force, just old regular blue eyes. Scott touched his face and eyes, seeing his palms and fingers for the first time without a pair of shades or a visor obstructing his vision.

"My god...it actually...it actually worked."

I stood to the side, sending divine energy to my eyes.

Based on the fact that I was a god of light, I had super sight that was probably even stronger than a regular Kryptonian's. No, not probably.

I just chose not to use it. Scott's body hid no secrets from me. I could see past everything, flesh and bones, to his nerve network to even the atoms making up his whole biology.

"You are right as rain. Take a few days off to let your body acclimatize itself to your powers. The injury may be gone but your body still has some catching up to do."

Scott turned to stare at me.

"Thank you Aden. How can I ever...achoo!!"

He sneezed and a blast of concussive beams exploded out of his eyes.

My own eyes glowed red before concentrated beams of divine energy zig zagged across the air, cutting corners to collide against cyclop's unintentional attack. The blast brought with it a pressure blast so strong that had I not unravelled the wind currents, the shockwaves would have seriously hurt Scott.

As it was, I managed to save Charles from using his considerable wealth to fix the floor of the medical room.

"Hey what happened?"

Beast ducked his head through the open doorway to the side. He was handling the blood samples I had gotten from some of the kids and teachers.

I turned to him with my eyes still glowing.

"Umm...carry on."

He cleared his throat and disappeared back into the room.


I turned to Scott.

"Rest if you want to avoid accidents like what just happened. Doctor's orders." I patted his shoulder.

While I was finishing up with the X-Men, my Homunculi Puppet was up to something. You see, when Storm and I had gone on that 'trip/date' something, I had discovered something.

My Homunculi Puppet made it to the blue area of the moon, where a domed massive structure stood tall. It was nestled in the ruins of an ancient Kree City. Attilan, the city of the Inhumans. Time to get me some d.n.a.

Truth be told, the Puppet was supposed to already be a few galaxies away from Earth but...Chaos had decided to ask for my help. How could I say no?

The ground underneath my Puppet's feet was strangely sponge like, or rather, the gravity made it seem so. I stepped forward and just... knocked on the dome.

(Chaos) (General P.O.V)

"The Dora Milaje are the fiercest warrior group in the world."

Prince T'Challa told Chaos. Both were in the training grounds behind the newly constructed palace grounds, complete with arches and large hallways for Nagini's large size to pass through.

Infact right now, Chaos could sense her terrorizing a group of wild rhinos with Geb and Shuri behind her back just a few miles away from the city. Wait until queen Ramonda catches them. Even Chaos lost some of his bluster when fixed with that stern motherly glare.

Back to the training grounds...Aden could see it. The way their bodies moved. It was extremely fluid. Their handle on the spear and martial prowess elevated them from mere humans to something else. Warriors that could be trusted to have the Black Panther's back. Or rather, the White Panther now.

"What about my girls?"

Chaos enquired of the White Panther.

"Follow me."

T'Challa told him with a smile, leaving the training grounds behind, in favor of moving deeper into the jungle of the Wakandan royal grounds.

Chaos followed after him with a curious look on his face. They did not use a conventional path either. The White Panther simply jumped onto a tree and begun taking silent leaps across the branches. Chaos flew after him. The sounds of running water grew more and more prominent.

Before long, T'Challa raised his hand to stop him. Chaos touched down on the branch as the White Panther pointed his hands through the branches at a huge waterfall before them. On the bottom of the massive amounts of descending water, were the six women Chaos had rescued.

"They are undergoing conditioning." He tapped his head.

"Both mental and physical. In preparation for their Dora Milaje training."

Chaos narrowed his gaze.

"Are you sure they can handle it?"

T'Challa patted his shoulder.

"My friend, you worry too much. Whoever they are, their bodies are attuned with the energies of the world. They are stronger, faster, more durable...it is a marvel. With the training we shall provide, they will be a force to reckon with. You will have your own Dora Milaje."

Next chapter