
The Final Act part 6

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(Aden's P.O.V)

I breathed in deeply. Using the spirit calming techniques that Iroh had showed me to keep calm, I was able to push the distracting thoughts away and focus.

"I propose a deal."

Nabu stated to which I shook my head in refusal.

"No deal. Not until you tell me where you sent the League."

"You are in no position to demand anything from me, Mortal."

His response was full of disdain. I narrowed my eyes.

"Last I checked, you were the one on the losing side. Does your honor demand less than letting go of your wrongly imprisoned captives?"

The tension was palpable.

"And just in case you were wondering Nabu…this is not a request." I gripped the helmet with my physical body and started applying a little pressure. The whole white space started shaking slightly.

"I will turn you into barely usable scrap metal if you keep testing my patience. So I suggest you think strongly on your next words."

My eyes were as hard as my tone. For a second, Nabu seemed as if he was going to call me out on my bluff, but when I increased the pressure on the surface of the helmet…he relented.

"I rephrase…I cannot."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?"

"Because you thought it prudent to separate me from my host. I need a wielder if I am to access the Tower of Fate."

I nodded. That made a lot of sense. 

"Ok, so this is how it's going to go down…I will allow you to take control of my body and once the Justice League are safely out of your mystical tower of bullshit, don't know what anyone would want with that many stairs, we can negotiate and come to an acceptable compromise."

"Mmmh." Nabu hummed. "I agree."


I answered, already thinking of how I was even going to accomplish taking a backseat and giving over the control. So far, the protection over possession that The Avatar State offered was seemingly absolute. Letting those walls down was a task I had no idea how to tackle. I also wasn't sure that this was a good idea. What if I couldn't take back control. Oh well...the other idea was to let Masali out, allow him to wield Fate's helmet once more and hope beyond all hope he listened to me. Nabu was a stubborn bastard though, the chances of that happening were closer to nil.

I calmed myself and pictured what I wanted. 

(A few minutes later) (Salem, Massachusetts)

(General P.O.V)

It was a calm evening in the park. The trees swayed gently in the wind and nothing seemed amiss. Up until a portal suddenly manifested in the open grounds. From within, a floating figure wearing a black and yellow costume appeared. 

The portal disappeared a moment later as the figure purposefully flew towards the middle of the open grounds. He stopped and held out a hand to the front. A glowing golden ankh appeared before him, the light washing out to reveal a brick tower that stood tall in the middle of the park, hidden from the view of non-magicals and commonfolk. 

Without a word, Dr.Fate sank into the tower and 5 minutes later, the doors of the Tower opened. The Justice League members instantly flew out. The ones with flight floated out of the ominous looking tower that in the corner of their eyes, seemed to shift out of focus, while the ones who couldn't were standing on a platform made out of Green Lantern Stewart's will. 

"Ugh…it feels like we have been stuck there for days."

Green Arrow commented once they landed safely on the ground. Barry took off running, to scout out where exactly they were.

"Ring, display current coordinates."

"No need." Zatara interrupted Hal's command to his ring. "I know exactly where we are. Salem, Massachusetts. This flavor of magic…it is hard to mistake."

The rest of the League looked over at him in question when he turned to their back and stared at the open… wait, the huge Tower none of them had noticed before stood prominent. Out of place in the middle of all the greenery.

"Was that…always there?"

Hal asked in confusion.

"No…it's magic. Meant to befuddle those unwelcome by the Tower." Zatara answered looking melancholy. 

"I am just surprised about when I became… unwelcome as well."

A somber mood fell upon them all.

"Giovanni…I am so sorry. We all know you were very close to Kent Nelson. To not even be aware of his passing…it must be hard."

Canary consoled in understanding.

There was a sudden scarlet whoosh and The Flash appeared.

"So I figured out where we are…"

He stared only to see the knowing gazes directed at him.

"Too slow Flash. We already know, we are in Salem."

Green Arrow told him with a slight upturn of his lips, making Barry deflate a little.

"We need to get back to the Watchtower." Wonder Woman spoke up, getting them back on task.

"Zatara can you teleport us to base?"

The Themysciran princess wondered, only for the veteran magician to shake his head.

"Fate would have no doubt accounted for that and restricted teleportation by mystic means."

Wonder Woman nodded and turned to Green Lantern.

"How fast can you move?"

Wonder Woman enquired. Hal shared a look with Stewart before answering.

"Pretty fast. Give me 5 minutes at most to get there."


"What about the nearest Zeta Tube?"

Hawkman pointed out.

"It is too far away. Approximately 67 miles from our coordinates."

Batman answered displaying the readings from his holographic wrist computer.

"I can get there in less than 5 minutes."

The Flash pitched in.

"Good. Go and find out if the Zeta Tube works from this side."

He saluted before turning to leave.

"Wait." Zatara called out.

"We have another pressing issue."

The Flash looked in between the magician and The Amazon, waiting for a decision.

"What do you mean Zatara?"

Wonder Woman questioned.

"I mean…our 'gracious' host has decided to honor us with his presence."

The vitriol pouring out of Zatara was something that none of the League had anticipated. They followed his gaze and saw Dr.Fate flying down from the Tower.


Instantly everyone went on guard, facing the Lord of Order.


Wonder Woman's next words were cut off by a sudden rebuke from Martian Manhunter.

"Wait! Do not attack. His mind…he is not the Dr.Fate we fought."

Wonder Woman frowned and then in a no nonsense tone said,


"J'onn is right...his magical signature, though barely noticeable beside the Lord of Order's is dimmer than before. This is a different host."

"Does it matter? Fate is still the one in control is he not?"

Hawkwoman said, twirling her mace.

Zatara had to nod,but he also quickly added.

"Be that as it may, Perhaps we should take a wait and see approach. I would rather not fight Nabu this close to the city."

Zatara advised. Everyone else looked at Wonder Woman who gave a nod and they straightened up, ready to listen yet just as easily, ready to fight.

Dr. Fate floated down amidst their wary looks and gently touched down.

"I apologize for my earlier conduct." He started by saying.

"You will find your base more or less damaged and to compensate for that, I shall allow you to call on me in times of grave need."

Despite the apology given, Nabu managed to make it seem as if he was the one being courteous enough to even talk to them. And that fact was not lost on the Justice League.

Wonder Woman bristled in anger, feeling her muscles tense in preparation to deliver a punch to the arrogant bully infront of her.

"Wait...is this guy serious? That's... your apology?"

The Flash wondered, actually surprised by the mystical powerhouse.

"You break in to the Justice League headquarters uninvited, insult us by blatantly disrespecting our authority, defy us by attacking one of our associates, imprison us in your tower for a long period of time, not even considering the fact that our assistance might be needed to help the innocent and...the apology you give is not even worth Stymphalian bird shit. How dare you?"

The air screamed as the princess of the Amazons decided enough was enough and moved. Black Canary who stood next to her also had a cold look on her face. Normally she would try to calm down any of the members who went completely off the rails but this...this was well deserved. A certain thwack! Sound was released when Wonder Woman's fist connected with the quick cross guard Nabu had elected.

The force however, was enough to carry him off his feet and slam onto the wall of the Tower of Fate. The Tower shimmered brightly before dimming. All the energy from the impact was drained out. Dr.Fate slid down onto the ground and took a knee. Wonder Woman however was not done. Not even close. She stalked like a Lioness towards him, twirling a sword in her right arm. It was clear she wanted to vent.

Infront of her however, Martian Manhunter floated up from the surface of the ground to block her path towards the recovering Lord of Order.

"Get out of my way, J'onn."

The threatening way she said it would have made a lesser man buckle under the pressure she was emitting. Manhunter merely smiled.

"I understand your frustration. We all feel the same. But this is not the way, Diana."

The president of the League and arguably the most warrior like, let out a shuddering breath to ease her anger before giving a curt nod and turning to The Batman.

"Batman, can you please get a hold of the junior team? We need to know if they are okay, as well as get an accounting of what happened after our...brief incarceration."

Batman, didn't say anything but she knew the man had heard her, probably already done it and was waiting for her to finish up with the immediate concern, meaning what to do with the Lord of Order before them.

"Gamma team will proceed to the Watchtower. We need to assess the damage and most importantly, ensure Superman's welfare. J'onn will stay. Flash, get to the closest Zeta tube's location and find out if the controls are functional."

Stewart nodded, creating a shield bubble around, Canary, Captain Atom and Hawkman. Then they promptly flew off into the sky. Their speed jumped and the green streak of light disappeared. The Flash mock saluted and blitzed off, leaving behind a trail of yellow lightning.

"Now what..."

Her words were cut off, when a sudden burst of light escaped Dr.Fate's form. The golden light washed out, illuminating the surroundings greatly before dying out just as quickly as it had appeared. Before them, stood a shirtless 6 feet, dark skinned boy who was very close to being called a man, with an helmet in his hands.

"Oh man...that shit was trippy. Note to self, don't ever do that again."

Aden commented while staring at the Helmet of Fate. Nabu had tried to exert his full control and had refused to give his body back. Fortunately, it wasn't as much of a struggle as he had thought. He didn't even need to use any of the countermeasures he had out in place to forcefully take back control.

Aden turned his attention to the front upon feeling the aggressive looks he was getting from the League. He held in a groan at Nabu's dead social skills, along with holding up his hands.

"For the record, when I told him to apologize, I had no idea his version of an apology involved inviting someone to punch me on the face."

"Explain. Now."

Aden raised an unimpressed eyebrow at Wonder Woman's command. He really didn't like the tone she was using when he risked possession, not that he was in any danger, to save them. He was about to tell her off. Not rudely of course. Rude was preserved for dicks like Hal or Green Arrow, when a soft comment from Manhunter, stole the wind from his sails.

"Aden, please. Time is of the essence."

He sighed, cursing the fact that J'onn was too cool and oftentimes too right. Then he explained everything. And at the end of it all, Aden clapped his hands and turned to Zatara.

"Now for saving your collective asses...I need your help. Can you get me to hell?"

To say the look on Zatara's face was equal measures surprise, disbelief and shock was underselling it.

Aden however knew that if there was anyone who could do so...it was Zatara. After all, he was one of the most skilled mages in the world and Libriomancy was broken as fuck.

Next chapter