
The World Needs The Avatar

30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.

Hey guys, if Webnovel is giving you trouble, you can still access my book in royalroadl and Scribblehub, though I'm still uploading the chapters in Scribblehub.


(Aden's P.O.V)

"Something is wrong" 

Iroh stated with a frown. I narrowed my eyes while trying to find out what he meant by delving deep into my energy sense. The light show around the Kryptonian hero's body ended and his body floated back down. The myriad of colors that were mainly a shade of green wisps coalesced into Saisei's familiar form but as Iroh said… Something was off. His energy signature was weak.

"Father…I don't feel so good."

I immediately ran forward and covered him with my wind elemental energy, gently cradling him. Hakai and Breeze both flew to hover above their brother. Their thoughts matched the worry I had in mine. I absentmindedly noted that Saisei had just called me his father which while unexpected was fitting I suppose. I mean I did create them. Well the Avatar State did but…semantics. 

"That took out a lot from him. I'm taking him back to the fire plane for some rest."

I informed Iroh and nodded at Bruce. The vigilante surprised me by stepping away from the diagnostics he was running at The man of Steel, who looked wholesome after Saisei's healing and gruffly offering his gratitude.

"Thank you, Aden."

I was tongue tied for a second before settling for a curt nod. 

"I'll be back in a few minutes."

With that, Hakai, Saisei, Breeze and I disappeared.

(General P.O.V)

Bruce sighed just as Aden teleported away. The last 12 hours had been way more exhausting than his usual taxing days. He felt like removing the cowl and just easing his body in a sauna to get rid of the stress. But, being Batman he knew he didn't have time for such luxuries. And even if he did, he most definitely wouldn't spend that time in a Sauna. He would be at his personal gym, polishing his skills. Trying to get even a smidgen faster, stronger, better because he knew just that small difference could save a life. 

"Mmmh, would you mind having some tea with this old man?" Iroh's voice stole his attention from his thoughts. Bruce turned to face him and was more than a little surprised about where the tea set and table had come from. Even weirder was the way the kettle was steaming with freshly brewed tea if the smell was any indication. Bruce contemplated refusing. But looking at Clark who was stable now there wasn't a reason to. Plus, with Aden gone, they didn't have a way to go back to earth. Not to mention…Bruce wanted to study (investigate) this dimension a bit more as well as it's residents. What else was Aden Strong hiding? 

So he sat opposite the strange old man who could control high levels of heat and graciously received the tea with a thanks. He took a sip and found it bitter yet…his exhaustion was immediately abated. He could feel all the bruises he had sustained during the fight with the vine monster start healing. 

"What is in this?"

Batman questioned.

Instead of answering right away, Iroh took a long and slow sip. 

"I know what you're thinking. You're asking because you want to know what type of tea it is so that you can use it to help you in your relentless fight against crime." Batman gave no reaction to the accurate dissection of his intentions. "A commendable reason, one might even say selfless."


Bruce wondered when Iroh finished his statement. The older man looked at him in slight confusion.

"But what? I was just observing. In any case, it's an ability of mine. Sadly it is not as effective as Saisei's own healing capabilities or else I would have been happy to heal your friend in his stead. He is still woefully young."

Batman narrowed his eyes. 

"What is this place?"

He finally asked, going straight to the point. More times than not that usually helped instead of skirting around the issue with someone like Iroh. 

"Honestly?" The old general leaned in closer. "I still have no clue." Iroh laughed. 

Batman grunted.

"And what does that mean?"

"Well, Aden has explained it to me a dozen times already but even his explanation itself cannot begin to encompass the full scope or meaning of this place." Iroh waved his hand out.

"It is a realm all on its own. A planet sustained by the will of a singular being yet independent. It cannot be stolen, control subverted or even destroyed because it is anchored between a veil of the physical and the spiritual. This…is the closest you might ever get to a heaven. He doesn't know it yet. I'm looking forward to seeing the look on his face when he understands what he has created."

Batman's heart skipped a beat. He brought the cup to his lips, hiding his shock with practiced ease. 'How many times should I re-evaluate his threat level?'

"You know, I see myself in you. A younger version of me during a time in my life that I was at my best because I had a purpose. It took me losing my son to realize that I had been blinded by that purpose." Iroh's voice had turned deathly serious. "You don't notice it when you're reaching a breaking point because you hone your mind to be focused and avoid any and all distractions. You train your body until it can run on exhaustion 24 hours without a break. And…you get results. That more than anything...is what keeps you going despite the fact that it's a path of Self Destruction."

Batman could understand what he was talking about. He believed Iroh meant what he said completely. 

"Then you understand why I am not going to stop considering him a threat."

Bruce was aware of his shortcomings. And he didn't hide under a veil of pretence. He was a  necessary factor. Just as Superman was necessary. 

Iroh placed the cup in his hands on the table before responding.

"Aden is plagued with a responsibility that cannot allow him to play by the same rules you heroes do."

Iroh hoped that Batman listened to what he was saying. But knowing how stubborn and set in his ways he used to be…he could draw the parallels and come to the conclusion that wasn't likely to happen. But if it helped foster a good relationship for Aden to have with the heroes, then it was a step in the right direction. That would make his work as the keeper of Balance and Order in this world easier.  

"The Avatar is a figure of power, balance and order. He cannot help but intervene when needed. He is a shield against things that even the gods of this world would hesitate to face. His methods might be questionable but I assure you with absolute conviction, he is a necessary component of this world now. His presence is so intertwined with the fate of your world that actively hindering him from maintaining balance WILL have catastrophic results."

Iroh stated.

Batman narrowed his eyes, though it couldn't be noticed through his cowl.

"We have been protecting the world and maintaining balance and order even before Aden ended up here. What is your point exactly?"

A valid question that spoke volumes on his stubbornness and arrogance. Though Iroh wanted to unpack what he meant exactly by protecting the world with mass murdering villains running amok, it was never in his nature to judge. As a knowledge collector, he always maintained a neutral point of view up until his ideals forced him to intervene when needed.

A brief silence reigned. Then Iroh spoke.

"Fate is sometimes strange, is it not? To become this deterrent force. This symbol to inspire fear on crime doers, something horrific must have happened to you."

Bruce gripped the china cup so hard it was a miracle it didn't shatter.

"We are all a result of something. A story, be it good or bad, we are the final product. You asked about my point, perhaps I was too cryptic. The Avatar is here in response to something. This world was chosen. I do not know by who or what, but fate swirls around him like a vortex. Ask yourself why in the myriad of worlds…why this particular dimension. What is so special about it that it merits the presence of the spirit of order? A primordial entity capable of unprecedented power? Or perhaps I am wrong, Aden is in fact very different from all the other Avatars that came before him. All in all, Bruce Wayne, I urge you to find a common ground. The world needs The Avatar more than you can imagine."

Aden appeared right at that time and the two men decided that the talk was over. Batman had a lot to think about. It was much easier before when Aden was simply a threat. Now, Iroh's words made him question the boy's true intentions. Who was Aden Strong really? Leave alone being the Avatar or the master of this realm. What was his true self? Batman had no idea if what he had on him was right anymore. And he felt a bitter taste in his mouth at the thought that maybe they had all misjudged him. He had showed up to help Superman when everybody else, Bruce included had been occupied. Was there an angle he was playing? Was there a reason he had decided to intervene? Before Bruce could change his view on him, that was a question he needed answered.

Aden sat on one of the four sides of the tea table. He was positioned on Batman's right and Iroh's left. Another cup appeared on Iroh's hands, he poured the green liquid in the kettle on the cup and offered it to Aden. In response, the young boy grimaced a little.

"Is it going to knock me out like last time?"

He questioned making Iroh chuckle. Batman filed that information away.

"No those were special tea leaves. Unfortunately, your realm does not seem to have them. However, I found a few good replacements. Well...go ahead, tell me what you think of it."

Aden brought the cup to his lips and took a sip. His eyebrows rose up in pleasant surprise.

"Wow...I feel energized. Well rested as if the fight with Lobo didn't happen. Though my injuries are still there." He looked up at Iroh. "That definitely hit the spot. Thank you Master."

Batman couldn't hold it in anymore. He needed to know. 

"Why did you save him?"

He interrupted. His voice was quiet yet enunciated enough that they heard it. Aden went silent. And for a second Bruce thought he wasn't going to answer.

"Because...the world needs Superman. And because I could."

Next chapter