
Fights fights and more fights

I hope you guys now when I'm bored I just think of cool shit for fights. Like my daydreaming is just Madara doing cool shit.


Madara's hands turned green as he quickly landed onto the ground and got into a stance.

The 8 magma humans all readied there weapons and got set for the hardest fight of there lives.

All 8 volcanos lit up and shot a beam of the color of there exterior out of there maws.

Each beam struck there volcanic legion leader as they were all powered up.

Madara did not care as he created 7 shadow clones and ran at the leaders.

The main Madara masterfully maneuvered his way towards his original combatant.

The red legion leader sent his fist flying towards Madara.

The boy quickly pulled out his scythe and cut the hand off and jumped up.

He did a split kick, one leg kicking the leader in the face and the other hitting the red leaders stray fist, sending it flying into the green leaders rib cage, giving a Madara clone an opening to drop kick it into the sky.

The red leader had quickly healed his hand and put up a guard as he nimblely tried to dodge and redirect Madara's flurry of blows.

Spear met scythe as Madara twirled his blade, flinging the magma weapon away while he spun and blasted the red leader with wind from his gumbai.

He than threw his scythe at the Blue leader, the veteran quickly turned around and blocked the weapon but was not able to stop the skull crushing uppercut that came from a shadow clone.

Madara scanned the battle feild and blurred, not a single being around him could see him now.

The green leader was met with a tag team of vicious blows from shadow clone and original before he dissipated into rocks, his energy so spent he could not even hold his form.

The purple leader fended of a shadow clone, blocking a strike than able to land his own into its solar plexus.

Before he could rejoice at the dissaperence of his combatant he had to quickly turn around, however it was to late as Madara slammed his hand through the man's chest.

This obviously was not enough to stop the monster but the humongous explosion of Chakra that decimated his body completely, was.

Madara stared at all his shadow clones fighting off these monsters and stopped to ponder.

This level was truly bizarre in how it was built, different civilizations and multiple sentient beings, it seems like Indra had definitely changed something about this place. He just didn't know how or why.

He appeared behind orange team leader. He dropped low swinging out his legs, his kick going into the legion leaders legs while his shadow clone hit his chest.

This made the man spin extremely fast into the air the shadow clone caught the monsters foot and slammed him down into Madara's kick. This skyrocketed the man into the air.

Madara got ready to go defeat the yellow leader when a weird melody started to play in the distance.

(Faith by George Michaels)

Bump to Bump to Bump

Madara turned around but couldn't see anything.

"Well I guess it would be nice, if I could touch ya body, I know not everybody, got a body like you"

The few remaining team leaders eyes widened.

"They released him?"

"But I gotta think twice, before I give my heart away"

"Madara-Chan watch out!"

Madara looked completely perturbed as he turned around at the manly voice calling his name.

He saw a human man, his mouth stretched into a large smile. Madara tried to dodge the kick that was coming his way but he didn't even have time to substitute.

He was sent flying

"God, George Michaels is just so good."

"And I know all the games ya play"

"And I know all the gaaames ya playyy"

The man sang along to the beat as the music continued.

The team leaders started shivering in fear as the man started grooving towards them.

"Oh its you guys!"

"Because I played them too"

"ohhhh, but I need some time off that emotion"

The man dissappeard from view and killed every single one of the beings in an instant.

The man walked over to a boom box, turned up a dial and the music started playing louder.

"Fuck yeah"

Madara came speeding towards the man, 3 tomoe Sharingan activated.

He smiled and easily delfected every single blow coming towards him while singing.

"Time to pick my heart up off the floor!"

Madara gritted his teeth and sped up his strike, a particular deadly throat punch, however the man just lowered his body and grabbed the boy's hand.

A thunderous liver hook shot came quickly afterwards, Madaras eyes widened in pain, allowing the man to spin around and land a devastating spinning back fist.

Madara stopped his momentum after flying for a few meters and activated his Mangekyou, his rage starting to flare up.

The music continued to blare as the battle waged, Madara's strikes growing in power as his perfect chakra control gave him unlimited weapons at his disposal.

A pillar of earth and magma slammed into the man sending him into the air, Madara flew up ready to send a rib shattering kick into the man's side.


The beat dropped and so did Madara as the man had turned his body, a metal limb extended out from his stomach and stabbed the Uchiha straight throughthe chest.

The shadow clone popped out of existence but the man had already drop kicked the reappearing Madara into the magma.

"Oh by the way the names Mark!"

Madara heard a muddled sentence come from the man as he broke out of the earth melting liquid he had been sent into.

He look towards his opponent and the purple aura around himself skyrocketed.

The man made a microphone from solidifying the magma around him and put it near his lips.

"Say please, please, please, don't go away

You say I'm giving you the blues


The man nimbly dodged every strike while spinning and moving to the beat.

Madara's fury made him follow through to much with a punch and this led to the man sliding his head to the side than releasing a skull crushing jumping knee.

While stunned the man than spun and landed an axe kick to same spot.

While Madara lay on the ground Mark landed and than proceeded to grab his junk and started moon walking.

"You mean every word ya say

Can't help but think of yesterday

And another who tied me down

To lover boy rules"

The man sung louder as Madara became more infuriated.

He dove at the man, a ball made of pure Chakra ready to plunge into his body. However the man stopped on a dime and hit the splits.

"Before this river, becomes and ocean"

Madara is sent flying with a punch.

"Before you throw my heart back on the floor."

A javelin of pure Chakra came down towards Mark the man continued to sing and grabbed it.

Almost like a nuclear explosion, an enormous Fireball appeared as the javelin exploded and unleashed a power unseen by any other than a god.

Madara used his eyes to see through the smoke and what he saw made him want to bash his head into a wall.

"Oh, baby I reconsider, my fooolish notion

Well I need someone to hold me

But I'll wait for something more

Cause I gotta have faith"

The man proceeded to dance until he hit a back flip and pose while the music ended.

All the injuries on him were superficial, only a few scrapes and bruises.

And somehow the boom box was still alive.

Next chapter