
Benefit of the Doubt

"So, what brings you here? I believe something must have happened. I could see it all over your face," Anne says with a mischievous smile on her face as she leans forward to get a her tea cup and then leans back on the chair thereafter

Irene arrives at Anne's classy residence at around three in the afternoon. They are seated in the house's beautiful flower garden. It feels and looks like they are in a different part of the world due to the various plants and flowers in full bloom.

One of Anne's house helper wearing a pink uniform arrived earlier and served them each with tea. The afternoon breeze was strong enough to sway their hairs while having tea together.

Irene picks up the tea cup and asks while laughing, "Should I spill the tea then?" She playfully wiggled her eyebrows which made Anne burst out in laughter.

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