
Batirol Peak

Surprisingly, Irene woke up feeling very energized and inspired the next day. There was an abundant amount of sunlight that went through in Irene's bedroom.

She got up from her bed, stretched her arms and feet until she could hear her backbone kind of crack satisfyingly. Next, Irene walked to near the glass walls and shoved the sheer white curtains away.

It was still seven in the morning but the city is already hustling and bustling. From her location, Irene saw a number of cars traversing the bridge over the river.

The sun's rays hitting the surface water of the river makes it dazzle and glitter like a bed of diamonds. Irene kept a smile on her face all throughout the morning especially when she was making her breakfast.

"I feel rejuvenated," Irene tapped her soft cheeks using her palms as she finished taking a shower and changing into her new set of clothes, ready whenever Amiel texts that he is already at the lobby.

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