The judge replied, "The person should be someone like Old Master Xiang for sure, an artist with a certain reputation in the art industry."
Shen Xi looked at the person not far away. The moment that person met Shen Xi's gaze, he immediately planned to leave, but he was still a little late. On the other hand, Li Jin, who had been hiding in the dark, had not been seen by Shen Xi.
Shen Xi pointed at Li Dan, who had been watching the show from the side, and said loudly, "I wonder if Teacher Li Dan has the right to do so?"
Everyone's eyes followed Shen Xi's fingertips and looked at Li Dan, who had just turned around and taken two steps.
If he were to escape in front of so many people, Li Dan felt that it would be a disgrace.
Li Dan forced out a smile, turned to face the crowd, and nodded.
Jiang Xue also looked at Li Dan. He was an old man with white hair and a white beard. He looked like a scholar.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: