The two families soon met.
Wang Yue held Xia Chun's hand and said, "Our family wants to get engaged first. After all, these two children are still young. Xue hasn't taken the college entrance examination yet. Why don't we set it for this winter vacation?"
There was still a long way to go before winter break. Jiang Lun obviously could not wait any longer. "Let's do it next Tuesday. I've checked. It's a good day.
Jiang Lun's anxiousness stunned everyone present. Xia Chun immediately came out to smooth things over. "My husband's personality is like this. He's more impatient. The most important thing is that my husband has accepted a new project. He's afraid that he'll be busy during the winter break and won't be able to get away. Since he has time now, he thought of getting it done quickly."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: