Shen Xi shook her head and said, "I don't think so. Why would the police dress like someone's bodyguard?"
Guan Lei broke out in a cold sweat as he wracked his brain for a plausible explanation. "Maybe they were people your brother sent? Didn't the police say your brother called the police?"
Lu Lin's people? Shen Xi doubted it. There was something afoot; she was sure of it. Someone had called the police and directed them to her.
With a pair of binoculars in hand, Zheng Huai peered into the observation room across, looking rather puzzled. A slew of people barged into the room, yet only two remained a short while after. Did the police take Guan Lei into custody?
Zheng Huai had been the one to call the police. His initial plan was to enter with them, but he decided against it. He did not want to upset Shen Xi.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: