
The Hunter [Coral]

Coral was getting ready for work when a drowsy Eros beckoned her to his door.

"Can you do me a favor?" He asked, shoving an envelope into her hands.

"There'll be a courier waiting opposite your cafe. They're a white fox on a motorcycle. Give them the envelope."


Before she could say anything, Eros had shut the door again. Coral heard him plop onto his mattress and almost immediately returned to snoring. 

Sighing, she glanced at the small package in her hands. It had no address or any other writing on it. Not wanting to be too intrusive, the girl packed the envelope in her messenger bag and headed out. 

All news billboards and displays reported on the dead succubus the two had found the day before. To her surprise, there was no mention of the cause of death. Were they trying to sweep the murder under the rug since the succubus came from The Underworld? 

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