
Underground auction

[Eon's POV: ]

I looked at President Zodiac and nodded as we stood before the door to a tavern, a signal indicating we wi=ould be switching to Celes's connection from this point forth.

[{ "Be prepared everyone, and we don't have to cause any ruckus. Let's get this done with and go to sleep." }]

[{ "Of course you want to go and sleep… man I should pick up someone good as well. Sleeping alone is no fun, haaa." }]

Yes vice president, do whatever you want but just stick to the plan and your character. It will be a great disaster if you slip up here.

[{ "Cradle. No joking now." }]

[{ "Yes yes jeez. You boys are no fun. Elle, we should just ditch these bastards after things are done and go off hook up somewhere-" }]


[{ "That's his signal, he is starting now. Go do your part." }]

There were many underground auctions happening during the annual alchemy competation all over the capital city. 

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