
The plan

Jessica laid back in Max's arms. She feels a lot better now. She felt good.

"Why were you looking at me like that," Max said suddenly and pulled aside some locks of her hair.

Jessica smiled and stared even harder, "We need to go back before anyone discovers we are gone."

Max smiled and nodded briefly, "You are right. We can't afford to slack in this cold war. Especially when we don't know if we will live or not."

Jessica put a finger over his lip to stop him from speaking, " We are not going to die. No one will die".


Everyone sat in a corner together to discuss what the next course of action will be.

Everyone looked worried especially after seeing the undead all about the house.

"Why are there so many?" Fishie asked incredulously.

"We saw a giant thing, what was it?" Steve remembered and Jessica looked up at him.

She was reminded of seeing an ugly giant when she was about to pull Max out. What was that thing?

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