
Chapter 175: Dawn of the Battle.

Author: I need to take a CAT scan to check my brain this week. Wish me luck guys.

*(The Star Wars theme is playing.)*

In the infinite space of the universe, the Skrull fleet were making their way toward Earth.

The Skrull Warships , the remnant from their destroyed home-planet have been congregating. They waited for the Queen's cue to strike.

"Earth is a grounded primitive planet that hasn't entered the interstellar age. The battle would be easy." A Skrull Vice-commander with an eyepatch said. He commanded a warship on his own, and would become the infantry for the upcoming battle.

There were one hundred of the 150 meter long Skrull warships that had responded to the Queen's call for battle. One warship carried a thousand of the Skrulls army member. The ship also was complete with orbital weapons that will destroy Earth's cities from space.

The Warship shaped like a peregrine falcon, with a green glowing pattern on the ship's hull. It looked like an enhanced B-2 bomber that the military used.

"Did the planet natives detect our presence?"

The Commander for the battle asked. He is a 3 meter-long Skrull, with battle scars and a rogue temperament. He was also responsible for commanding the entirety of the fleet from the main ship.

"No sir. Earth didn't have that type of technology." A random crew member said in an arrogant tone.

Like the Kree, the Skrulls have underestimated the Earth. The only trouble they would have was against the Avengers — Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and Ryan Knight, the Oracle.

"Good. Proceed . We will strike them when they are at their lowest." The Skrull Commander said. Despite the others being nonchalant about the upcoming attack, the commander was being careful as the success of the mission was on his hand.

As an avid supporter of the Queen's faction, he needed to be ready for almost everything. He knew, the high priestess faction of the Skrulls remnant would stop at nothing to make sure Queen Veranke fails in her quest.

The Queen's mothership, a 500 meter long ship was at the center of the ships there, protected by countless small fighter crafts.

Queen Veranke stood atop a throne, while propping her head with her hand at the armrest. She crossed her legs, and behaved haughtily now that her army was there.

There was twice the number of the army that responded to her calling, inflating her ego as the Queen to the top.

At the lower level of the mothership, many humans kidnapped by the Skrull were there.

"Talos. I know that you'll betray us." Fury said solemnly . The Skrull had captured both him and Abigail Brand during their investigation.

Even the true Barbara Morse, the persona that the Queen had used, was inside the prison cell.

Talos stood beside the prison warden, flashing an evil grin when he looked at Fury.

"You're too naive Fury. The Skrull will have the Earth. It is inevitable. Even Danver's couldn't stop us now. Not until it was too late." Talos said in a mocking tone.

Fury slammed on the door of the cell, "If the Earth falls, I will hunt you down, and kill every single one of you by myself."

"HAHAHA, said the dying man. Laughable." Talos said coldly before he walked away with the warden. However, the agitated Fury turned calm after Talos was outside of his sight.

"Talos had done his job bringing us inside the mothership. Brand, now it's time." Fury said to his subordinate.

"I have activated the SWORD's remote scanning equipment. It will pinpoint toward me, making the others realize that a fleet is coming toward Earth." Abigail Braid said. A small translucent string was inside of her mouth, and it flowed toward her stomach lining.

There, Ryan's interstellar tracking device was hanging, through her esophagus, submerged in her stomach acid. She pulled out the device using the string, and placed it in the cracks of the prison cell. That way, even if her stomach was blown up, the device could still detect the fleet.

Then, she used her nails to dig deep into the flesh of her upper forearm of her left hand. She pulled out a bloody 2 inch needle from underneath her skin, and gave it to Fury.

"Ryan Knight sure knows how to create a disturbing thing." Fury said while picking up the needle. The needle could pass any detection, and can shapeshift into the stuff he needed.

"Right now, we need a key." Fury said while holding the needle. Then, the needle made of synthetic metal molded itself into the key needed for them to get out of the room.

He turned toward the door and opened it, while Brand was taking off her pants to take off a bead-like object. She activated the bead, morphing it into a spider drone.

"Cut the monitoring." Abigail said to the spider that had been inside of her longer than her boyfriend ever was. The spider nodded, and crawled away from the cracks of the door Fury had opened.

Inside the prison, Fury noticed that there were more than 2000 human's captive from various governments and organizations. Even some Hydra members and various aliens were there.

"We didn't have much time. Abigail, your task is to see which one of the aliens is going to be our ally. I'm going to find the weapon storage." Fury said while activating the disguise device in his eyepatch. He turned into a Skrull from a hologram that covered up his human body.

Ryan gave it to Abigail in the form of a hairband, but Fury had repurposed the band to hold his eyepatch.

Clueless about the revolution inside the prison cell, Queen Veranke shared her scheme to take over the Earth with the commander.

"Humanity shouldn't be extinct. Their potential is infinite, and will be useful to become our soldier in our fight against the Kree. We need to get a hold of the superheroes' weakness, and they will back down."

"And their weakness is?" The commander asked.

"Humanity itself. We just need to hold the citizen's hostage, and the heroes will back down. They will fight us if they can, so the plan needs to be absolute." Queen Veranke said haughtily.

"After that, the heroes will broadcast their surrender, snuffing every bit of fire left inside the human race to resist."


Suddenly, the mothership was attacked by a stealth attack that none of the fighter ships and the warships could detect. The mothership shook from the torpedoes blast, making the Queen and the Commander staggered. They had to hold the desk where they laid out the plan to stay standing.

"W-what happened?" Queen Veranke asked hurriedly.

"We're attacked by unknown technology. It seemed primitive, but advanced at the same time. I also detected the presence of dark matter in the attack." One of the logistic officers on the mothership bridge said hurriedly.

"Dark matter?" The commander's eyes shook. To be able to manipulate dark matter in a weapon, the opponent must be from a highly advanced civilization.

"Th-Th-Thats…the Arcadia! Dawn Everstar is here!" A random lieutenant in charge of the communication and scanning shouted.

Queen Veranke yelled, "Why is a pirate here? What does he want?"

The name Dawn Everstar had become a nightmare for the evil-doers of the Universe.

Since Dawn took out 5 Chitauri motherships that were attacking various civilizations in the universe, and even fought off the Black Order that was hunting him, his name had spread far and wide.

"Ryan was wrong. Space is fun." Dawn muttered with a grin. He had a lot of adventures the two months he was in space, and his tales were legendary. He even fought with Hercules, and had announced his existence to the gods of the universe.

He adorned a simple straw hat on his head, and revealed his face toward the islanders. At first, they were apprehensive about looking his face directly.hen Hela said he had disguised his face using magic– even though he didn't, making the islanders following him in the ship breathed in relief.

Hela's projection beside him was displaying a bloodthirsty expression, and she was his commander for the battle. His crew was handpicked from the Valkyrie, and was the best from the best.

They had passed the simulator test, and had cloaked 10,000 hours in the ship's simulation. It would be impossible for them to do so, If Ryan used normal means. He used the nerve gear device and tweaked it so that one year in the simulation is one day in the real world.

"The Earth's fleet?" Hela asked for confirmation. She wore a white military uniform that made Dawn couldn't remove his eyes from her.

"One minute from our location." Dawn replied as he finished the telepathic conversation with Ryan.

"Oya-bun, can I fight this time?" Park Shin said cheekily while rubbing her sword.

"Sure. Just enter one of the anchors and wait for the boarding." Dawn said, surprising the young woman. Usually, Dawn would just fight the opponent with the ship, and only fought one by one if he was on a planet. But this time, the enemy was too many for the Arcadia to win unscathed.

"Sir, the Skrull mothership is hailing us." Ana, who wore nerdy glasses, notified the captain.

"Put her on." Dawn said.

Ana nodded and allowed the communication to pass. A projection of the commander and the queen of the Skrull popped out on the bridge's screen.

"Dawn Everstar. Why did you attack us?" Queen Veranka said with a dignified tone.

"Because….It is fun." Dawn replied, stunning the commander and the queen.

Hela smirked and chuckled seeing Dawn played the villain.

"You-" Queen Veranke's temperament faltered immediately.

"What are your aims, Dawn Everstar?" The commander took over and said. Dawn frowned a little, as he knew the commander was a man that has true skills in space battles.

Dawn hesitated for a while, before he sighed. His change in mood didn't escape the commander's sight, making him think there was more to the aggression.

"Simple. Someone paid me to do it. Someone with a crown on her head." Dawn answered ambiguously.

The commander realized instantly who Dawn was talking about. "The Empress? She may have promised you eternity and money, but I know for sure she was more talk than keeping her promise. You've been lied to, Everstar. Remove your ship, and no harm will fall upon you."

"What if I don't?"

"Then you'll face the full might of our fleet." The commander said. He had ordered the fleet to surround the lone Arcadia ship, and all of their weapons were locked onto the ship.

Hela raised her brow, and activated the ship's dark matter engine. The dark matter engine needed to be recharged after each use before Arcadia could break the law of physics again.

Kai then teleported into the spaceship. He goes through the Paradiso realm that connected to Dawn, before he arrived there.

Dawn having his own realm had been making the islanders and the others able to teleport to Dawn's location anywhere in the galaxy.

"Late. Change now." Hela commanded.

"Hey I declined an offer to enjoy time at a hotel with a bridesmaid because of this." Kai said cheekily and assumed the Mandalorian armor that Ryan used to wear.

"Are we sure about this? Pushing Dawn's name and the Mandalorian name together?" Kai asked while he wore the metal helmet with a T shaped visor.

"It's the most convenient thing to do. Many people are looking for you to make you defeat me. So why not? Add to their terror?" Dawn said while flashing a ruthless smile.

"You're really enjoying the villain persona huh. You brought shame to the strawhat you're wearing." Kai teased.

"This is Ryan's doing. Not mine." Dawn said with a smile.

The Skrulls hologram appeared again with the last warning.

"Move. Then you'll become a friend of the Skrulls. We could offer you some units If you move out of the way." Queen Veranke said.

"So, a pocket full of coins, and you wanna be my friend?" Dawn said teasingly. Kai instantly hummed the rest of the song underneath the helmet, and walked next to Dawn, revealing his figure to the Skrulls.

"Mandalorian?" The commander widened his eyes. The Skrulls know that the Mandalorian had visited the earth decades ago, even becoming George Lucas' inspiration. But they didn't expect to meet him here, defending the Earth from them.

Then, they started to wonder about the employer. `Who was rich enough to employ both the Mandalorian and Dawn Everstar at the same time? Is it really the High Priestess and the Empress faction?'

Dawn said decisively, "I'm sorry. But if you want to get to Midgard, you need to pass us first."

'Midgard. ODIN?' The commander was shocked inwardly. It makes sense that Odin would interfere. After all, Earth was a part of the nine-realms he was managing.

That was also the reason the Skrulls wanted to do a secret invasion before this. To take over Earth without spilling blood. It was to ensure Odin wouldn't feel insulted and attacked them.

'But from Loki's information before this, Odin was now senile, and is at his twilight years. I guess it makes sense that he sends mercenaries instead of coming here himself.' The commander thought to himself.

As a born spy, the Skrulls have a massive network all over the galaxy that they even know what Thanos and Loki had discussed before.

The commander then smirked, and became more confident.

"Then, prepare yourself to be obliterated." The commander said.

The Skrull's fleet opened fire at the Arcadia all at once. Kai and Dawn were still relaxed, and left it all to Hela.

"Dark Matter engine. Activate." Hela ordered.

Then, the dark matter particles enveloped the entire Arcadia ship. The tremendous attack from the Skrull arrived at Arcadia who was 100,000 miles away from them.

However, the Skrull seemed to have seen something wrong. The result of the Arcadia ship blown to smithereens didn't happen. Instead, the Arcadia flicked like a glitch in a computer game. All of the attack passed through it smoothly, without even damaging the ship.

"What the hell?" Queen Veranka was shocked to her core.

Dawn and Kai teleported to the outside of the ship's hull, and they took out their staff and sword respectively.

"Hey….Wait for me!" Ryan said from afar. He drove the Thousand wing spacecraft into the battle, and it split into three directions. The DOTU craft inside Arcadia was dispatched, and it led the human's spacecraft to attack the aliens.

The SSV Normandy was a little behind, and it was led by Hank Pym.

For the first time in history, the Human's fleet was here to provide support and join the battle! Ryan stopped near Arcadia, and jumped off from his spaceship.

"Yo!" Ryan said to Kai and Dawn while holding his palm up. Dawn and Kai high fived him, and they turned to look at the Skrull fleets.

And also, for the first time ever, Dawn, Kai and Ryan will fight together as one!

Lt. Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, (or what Ryan calls him –Tom Cruise) was exhilarated when the call for the galaxy fight was given toward him.

The fighter spaceship was even faster than the previous military fighter jet he used to pilot, and the maneuvering was easier.

After he finished the 10,000 hours in the top secret simulation training , he was the first human to receive his own craft on Earth. The first thing he do was that he sculpted the name Maverick on it.

The Maverick craft made an impossible maneuver through two warships, and attacked the hull of the ship.

"What is this? Why are the human's fighter so terrible!" The Skrull inside the warship screamed in terror. 100 Thousand sky ships versus almost 5000 Skrull fighter ships, but none of the humans received any casualties.

"Move 40 degrees to the starboard. Kill the annoying fighters!" The Skrull Commander said, but the speed of the thousand sky fighter ship was out of his imagination.

The fighters managed to escape the attack, and returned fire. Dawn decided to increase the chaos using his magic.

"Tier 7 Special Magic. Doubles."

The fighters shook, and their amount doubled like a cell that underwent mitosis.

"Holy SHIT!" One of the human pilots yelled. The magic was draining for Dawn, so he couldn't do it for a long time. But it was worth it in this fight.

The light frigate SSV ship arrived and created a blockade on the jumpoint, preventing any Skrulls from breaching toward Earth.

Kai coated his DarkSaber in Qi, and something incredible happened. "This…it's amplifying my sword qi?"

The DarkSaber edge became golden after it was imbued by the qi. Kai jumped toward an approaching warship, cutting two torpedoes aimed toward him, and landed on the hull of the ship. Then, he slashed the crucial part of the ship – the engine room.


The warship exploded, killing all of the Skrulls inside. Dawn opened a portal to save Kai from the explosion, and passed through it to get to the next battle.

Ryan equipped his own nano-suit, with the limit released for his gauntlets. The blue and black trenchcoat appeared again.

This time, He adorned a helmet that covered only half his face. Half of the helmet was blue, and the other half was red. At his back, ice wings and fire wings were created. The wings burned and froze the fighter jets in a 1 mile radius from him as he made way toward the bigger ships.

He hopped onto a Skrull warship that was breached with roots. Dawn had used parasite magic to take control of three Skrull warships and turned it against its people.

"Dawn, The mothership was preparing a planetary destruction level attack." Hela said.

"Ram them, and board the ship." Dawn replied as he controlled the warships to make a suicide attack on their own people, destroying 6 warships at the same time.

"Show off." Kai said as he slashed his fifth warship wide open.

Ryan was a little sad as he couldn't reveal all of his power, but with his limit release suit, he had frozen 3 warships and burned hundreds of the fighter ships. Ryan then realized that he was encircled by 10 spacecraft from all directions.

Before he could destroy them, the Maverick ship and 3 others came to his rescue and attacked the fighter jets. They rammed into the Skrull's ship without a care for their life when Ryan was in danger as…

"Protect OUR PRESIDENT!" Maverick shouted.

"Yes Lieutenant!" The others replied.

"I am really not the President though. I'm just the Vice President." Ryan said in disbelief.

Arcadia finished charging the dark matter engine, and it disappeared out of thin air!

"What? WHERE?" The commander broke his composure for the first time. Then, the mothership shook violently, causing the crew on board to lose their footing and fall down.

"It's behind us!!" A logistic agent yelled. A few anchors attacked the mothership and breached the hull. Using the anchor line, a few of the 'pirates' boarded the mothership!

Next chapter