
Chapter 109: New York War (Part 2)

Author: The New York War will consist of five parts before it ends.


-If our lives are already written, it would take a courageous man to change the script.-

"DUCK!!!" A member of the security team in an exoskeleton suit is saving a police officer from the line of fire. The perimeter line is on heavy fire from the chitauri glider.

3 members of the Knights' army are shooting toward the glider, while the police are trying to contain the ground army. 

"Paul, a squadron is coming to your left," Ryan notified using the communication line. The young black-haired Knight army member huffed as he notified Ryan he saw it. 

"Come at me motherf*ckers!!" Todd cursed as he reloaded his M-8 rifle. He then shoots out a blue plasma blast from the rifle toward the chitauri. It exploded their glider, and wreckage almost flattened him. He barely avoided death even with his enhanced reflex he got from the exoskeleton suit.

"Paul, we DON'T want them to come to us," A Latino, female Knight army teases the young man. 

"Hahaha, don't be a scaredy-cat, Vanessa. They should come to us!" A burly man laughs with his loud voice. If they don't come to them, they will attack the citizens. 

Vanessa and Paul nod after hearing the man speak. Their leader, Dom, has a green fluid splattered on his bald head. The chitauri squadron is now arriving.

"Remember what Mr. Mills said?" Dom asks his team as he aims toward the glider engine. 

"Endure…and survive." Paul and Vanessa completed each other's sentences. 

"Not that," Dom says as he shoots the engine of the glider, making it sway, and takes out 2 more gliders with it. 

"I want to say it, but the alien is distracting me," Paul said as he barrels rolled on the ground, avoiding the energy blast on him. Vanessa helped him by shooting the Chitauri in the head, making Paul get to cover behind an upturned car. 

"No miracles...No mercy...No redemption...No heaven...No hell...No higher power. Just life. Just... us."

Paul answered as he breathed heavily. Dom nods. "Just us." 

They got each other's back. The trio is under heavy siege. Ryan moves out an Avengers toward them. 

"Kai, the XX street is almost breached, you're the closest one," The Ryans are overseeing the entire battle. 20 Ryan is giving commands all over the place. His house is presently a busy command center. 

"On it," Kai said as he dived from the sky towards the area. "Saw it."

Kai discovers the crisis. 10 chitauri gliders and 15 ground troops are besieging the trio. But they didn't fall. They only retreat a few meters once they know it's safe for others if they do that. 

[ First Form: Unknowing Fire]

The trio saw a silhouette of a man with wings charging forward at a high speed, decapitating the ground troops in a single slash before he flew upwards and threw multiple beads toward the glider, exploding all of them. 

Paul gritted his teeth. 'I want to get stronger. Much more powerful than I am!' He wants to be like the man floating in the air in front of them. 

Dom smiles seeing Paul's eyes of determination. Vanessa too. They need to become stronger to survive in the world. That's what they thought.

"Thank you, We got it from here," Vanessa said to Kai. She reloaded her rifle and got into position with her teammates. 

"You guys did well, be proud," Kai says to them before flying upwards to get to the next area that needed help. The trio is grinning after Kai said that. They recognized who he was. The Kingsman. 

"Right now, he is more like a Raven," Dom mutters. 

"What?" Paul didn't catch what Dom says as he is using a radar provided by Ryan to check the surroundings. Alien ground troops will be there in 2 minutes. 

"Nothing, focus on the battle," Dom said.

"Ryan, where are the Avengers?" Kai asked as he flew over the streets. He had cleaned up the entire street from the ground troops and the gliders, saving the police there.

"2 street from Stark tower. The leviathan is coming there," Ryan answered as he is monitoring the Avenger using a nearby Brainbot. 

In the movies, people didn't evacuate. Ryan feels fearful if he keeps things the same. The Chitauri attacks are relentless and violent, and it is spread out almost instantly. 

Even with the Avenger, there will be an astronomical number of people killed in the war. Not only on the battlefront, but the Chitauri is also attacking critical structures of the city, such as the signal tower, electric lines, and gas station, causing a tremendous explosion. 

Iron Man is flying at a low altitude, with a big guy following him from behind. 

"Get ready Bruce, I'm bringing the party to you," Tony said as he lured the leviathan towards the Avengers.

"Banner, this might be a good time for you to get angry," Steve says to Banner as he catches his breath. 

Sounds of explosions are coming from various areas of the city. They couldn't even catch their breath to hear the Captain's command. 

Avenger in a circle, posing amidst the battle is almost impossible to do. 

"That's my secret Cap. I'm always angry," Banner said as the leviathan was nearby. His eyes turn green, his heart beats rapidly. For once, he turns to Hulk by his own choice. 

*Roar* The leviathan is floating 2 meters from the ground, pummeling the cars on the streets as he passes by. *Bam* The Hulk punches the leviathan with extreme strength, bashing the creature's head into its body. 

The flying inertia causes its tail to raise upward, and Tony explodes the leviathan into pieces. Kai arrives and he slashes a piece of leviathan flesh that is falling on Natasha. He smiles at her using his eyes, as his mouth is hidden with the plague doctor mask. 

"I will give you some time. Open the crate," Ryan said as the Avenger is altogether. Except for Thor. He controlled the newly-printed combat drones to fly from his secret warehouse into the battle, providing the Avenger a breather. 

Hulk is already equipped with his special clothes. It didn't fight half-naked this time. Wearing a black and purple shirt, and purple pants, the Hulk let himself loose in the city. 

"Is this necessary?" Tony asks as he sees the crate. 

"Not for you. I've already given you your upgrades," Ryan said, surprising the people there. 

"No, no, you don't give me anything," Tony replied quickly. He takes the lead and opens up the crate for them. He also scanned the item inside the crate to satisfy his curiosity. 

Steve takes out the item with his name. "A… jetpack?" He asks hesitantly. He had never met Ryan before, so it was pretty awkward between them.  

"I use analog control for you to adapt quickly. There is also a magnetic strip you need to equip on your hand. The other is on your shield. You can call your shield back after you throw it in a 200-meter range," Ryan explained. 

"That's useful," Steve says as he equipped the shield retractor and the JetPack. Captain Carter will be proud of Steve. 

"Hawkeye, there is a scanner on your pack. Scan your arrow for me. I will deliver it to your location after I print it," Ryan explained to Hawkeye. 

He did it at the same time as Steve and Natasha, but none of them caught what he was doing or how he was doing it. The war is more important. 

"There is also a gravity boot. You can walk on any inclination for 20 seconds before it needs to cool down. You can also use a double jump," Ryan finishes explaining to Barton. 

"Do I have to give them back?" Barton asks playfully as he equipped the boots.

"No need. It's all yours," Ryan said as he controlled a drone to save an Arabic shop owner outside the perimeter. 

"Nice," Hawkeye tested the boots. He can create a platform in the air when he jumps. This opens up many possibilities for him.  

Natasha is opening up her package. Hers is the biggest package there. 

"A suit?" Natasha is looking weirdly at the golden-brass-colored suit with a rollerblade on its leg. It has a label on it. -Go Go Tomago-

"The disk is a mag-lev disk. You will be a speedster if you wear it. It can also be a weapon. It is important that the suit is brought back to me," Ryan explained. 

Natasha's eyes widened as she heard the detail of the suit. She accepts Ryan's generosity and wears the suit. 

It has a quick equip function like Tony's suit, which surprised him a little bit. Then, Tony becomes glad as what he planned is working. 

"It's addicting to build a suit right?" Tony snickered at Ryan. 

Kai also has a package for him. Not that he needed it as he has the storage ring. But it's good to give him some cover. It is a two-handed black sword made from enchanted metal. It was supposed to go with Kai's new suit, but the new suit is locked inside the inventory. 

"Shut up Tony. Captain, you can arrange your team to your preference. No need to worry about the civilians. Leave that to me," Ryan said to Steve as he shared the battle report with him. Steve studies the situation in the city before he gives out his order. 

Captain America put the team in position. "Knight, tell Thor to bottleneck the portal," Captain ordered. 

"Okie-Dokie," Ryan answered before he contacted Thor via a drone. 

Kai and Tony are flying side by side in the air. 

"The least number of Chitauri felled has to do the other laundry for a week," Kai incited Tony. 

"Really? Then I will look forward to giving you my clothes," Tony smirked and rocketed to the front first. In terms of speed, Tony won. In terms of maneuverability, Kai is unmatched. 

The doctor grinned as he held a sword in both of his hands. Three more leviathans are coming out of the portal, shooting a mass number of ground troops. 

"Jarvis, find me a spot with the most alien," Tony is followed by 20 or so gliders from behind him as he flies. 

"Sir, 50 gliders are on their way to a school in XX streets," Jarvis answered. The school is empty, thanks to Ryan. 

"We can't have that, can we," Tony says as he flies to the area. 

"Stark, you have a long tail on your back," Barton is perching on top of a building and is shooting gliders down with his arrow. As Ryan said, he didn't have to worry about the numbers. 

Less than 3 minutes after he scanned the arrow, Ryan already gave him a new arrow quiver and sent him a replica of his arrowhead. Barton is shooting continuously on the roof and just needs to jump to another roof with his boots if he is spotted. 

"Dive," Ryan said to Tony suddenly. Tony complied and then a green hulking figure jumped from his path, into the tails behind him.

"HULK SMASH!!" The creature is helping Tony get rid of his tail. His punch shattered 3 gliders, and he bounces among the gliders, devastating the team.  

Iron Man arrived in the area with the most concentrated gliders. Using Jarvis, he finds a path of the maximum damage he could deal. 

70 gliders lock into his targeting system. He stops midair and sticks his arm together. A mechanism on his arm armor is generating a huge amount of energy. 

Tony is excited. This is the first time he can use the new weapon he and Ryan make. He noticed the improvement of the Mark 7. The new metal only has a minor scratch when it got hit by an energy blast from the Chitauri. 

His shoulder missiles and knee missiles are all used up from the battle. 'I should learn more about the drone weapon delivery system Ryan said,'

The Iron Man Mark 7 palm is glowing an orange hue. [INCINERATE] Tony mumbles softly. 

*Zuaa* A huge blast of fiery beam comes out from his palm, engulfing every Chitauri in his target. The beam is bigger than the Iron MAn size. The 5-second beam traveled over 100 meters and hit a leviathan accidentally. It blasted a gash on the leviathan's body, melting the outer armor of the creature. 

"HOLY SHIT!" Tony yelled on the comms. Even Ryan is surprised to see Genos' cannon being so powerful. Tony recollected himself and ejected the burning phosphor rod in his arm. Too bad it can only be used once. 

Tony uses his last, arm missiles and shoots at the opening on the leviathan, exploding it from the inside. 

"The big ones still count as one," Kai said on the comms. He slashes a squadron of 7 gliders, and he dives down on the streets. The police barricade near the subway entrance is under heavy siege. 

However, a yellow silhouette flashes faster than him and arrives at the entrance first. Using the magnetic strip, Natasha decapitated the 20 ground troops almost instantly. An enhanced assassin with a speedster suit is lethal on the ground. 

"This is…exhilarating," Natasha mumbles in excitement. The gear is extremely compatible with her. Speed prevails supreme. Her eyes catch the sight of Kai stopping himself from interfering with her battle. 

"Romanov, they need you 2 streets over at the perimeter," Ryan notified her. Her visor displayed the most efficient route. 

"On my way," She rollerblades with extreme speed toward the next target. "Why does the suit have bubblegum in it?" Natasha asks Ryan. She thought it was another weapon. Like explosive bubblegum or something. 

"To chew," Ryan said flatly, curbing her enthusiasm.

"How about the portal, did you find ways to close it?" Natasha asks as she throws a disc on a chitauri head, splitting it vertically. 

On top of the tower, a few drones are scanning the wormhole device. "I just started studying it," Ryan replied. The hologram of the device is projected inside his house. 

Natasha rotates herself while jumping to increase the momentum of her throw. Her discs cut through the five ground troops that are trying to activate their time bomb.

Steve is also throwing his shield toward a glider that is flying low. He uses his jetpack to jump on top of the glider and punches the driver to the ground. He retracted his shield when there was a glider between his shield and his arm. The shield cut through the glider from behind and returned to Steve. 

Captain America saw Thor shooting lightning toward the wormhole. He said with heavy breathing, "How many of these things are there?"

"So far? 1500 gliders, 1200 ground troops, 7 leviathans," Ryan answered casually. Steve gulped as he heard the numbers. 

"Don't worry captain, 70% of those are contained," Ryan said. 

"What about the 30%?" Steve asks.

"That is the one you need to worry about," Ryan said casually. 

As Natasha is in the area, Kai flaps his wings to increase his altitude and flies over to the next area that needs his help. He scanned around the city with his eagle eyes. 

Literally an eagle eye. His black pupils turn to gold as he uses a companion beast form for his eyes. A golden eagle companion beast. It allows Kai to see an ant as far as one kilometer away, provided there is nothing in between them. 

The chitauri is attacking the worker at Ben and Jerry 12 blocks away. "How do they pass through the perimeter?" Kai says as he makes a drive-by and kills the Chitauri there.

The perimeter isn't perfect. The fight is spreading to 15 blocks presently, with the battle being concentrated around 5 blocks from Stark Tower. 

The highest casualties? The reporters are stubborn and ignore the Brainbot's warning. 

After Loki had been kicked by Eclipse, he ran away from the place by jumping on a glider and driving it away.

Eclipse is staring at Thor, who is doing the same thing to him. 

"Loki will face Asgardian justice," Thor says calmly, trying to reason with Eclipse. 

"I don't care. The invasion needs to stop," Eclipse replied. He then feels something is wrong. There is magic in the air. 

Thor nods. He feels the same way. A drone flies by Thor with the message from Captain America. Thor just turns away for a second. But when he turns back to Eclipse, the guy is no longer there. 

"Someone called him?" Thor is dazed. He too can feel the magic passing through him before. But it is harmless for him or the mortal. Swinging Mjolnir, he flew toward the highest building near the portal. 

The cloud darkens. A thundering sound is heard from the sky. Thor raises Mjolnir to the sky. *Zzzt* A huge lighting blast hits Mjolnir, charging Thor with lighting. 

He directed the energy toward the portal. *Zuang* Lighting blasted to the portal, attacking the leviathan coming through it. So far, 7 leviathans have gotten through. One leviathan carried 200 ground troops. 

Tony had killed one. Hulk has killed one. Kai figured he too needed to kill one of them. He finds a brainbot team that is helping a trapped civilian get out of their car and into safety. 

"Bowg?" Blue clatters his metal mouth together when Kai is approaching them.

"You see this. Will you pick it up for me?" Kai waved a chitauri time grenade to Blue. Blue scanned the thing Kai holds.

"Bowg!" He runs off from the place. Kai knows he is searching for the stuff he needs. 

Loki landed on top of a building 3 blocks away from the wormhole. He looks at the city with concern in his eyes. The war isn't going the way he wants to. 

"Concentrate fire on the steel shelter. Those people there can't run. The warrior will gather there to help," Loki ordered the Chitauri. 

"And also," Loki flashes a violent glint in his eyes as he looks at the drones flying everywhere in the city. 

He gives out another order to the Chitauri. 5 squadrons of gliders are heading toward the Brooklyn area. To the command center of the war operation. 

Near Knight Disaster Shelter. 

70 gliders are besieging the shelter from above. The ground troops are encircling the shelter. The combat drones stationed there had been destroyed. They only lasted 5 minutes under intense firing. 

Baymax had flown to another place when Peter took command from Ryan. Sitting in front of the monitor, Peter is controlling Baymax like a video game.

"Bank left. Steer right. Rocket punch!" Peter said, exhilarated. MJ and Ned are also excited to see the battle from Peter's screen. They are only 12 years old. Their mind isn't fully mature yet to comprehend the danger the shelter is facing.

The first line of defense is battered. Ryan gives out a signal to the team inside the shelter. 

"My turn," Bryan said as he led his team outside the shelter. He aims his M-100 grenade launcher at the gliders and shoots out the grenade 3 times. 

"Shriek!!" The chitauri glider yelled as the bomb is coming straight to its face. *Boom* The grenade exploded 10 gliders each, and disoriented the other glider with its splash damage. 

The other 4 people are fighting the Chitauri ground troops. Gwen is standing by with Betty Ross and Khan. Ryan didn't let them come out yet. Otherwise, Loki will feel alarmed and send more troops there. 

"If history only remembers one in a thousand of us, then the future will be filled with stories of who we were and what we did," Bryan said to his team, increasing their morale. 

*Ratatata* The head of security shoots at the gliders continuously with his M-76 rifle. Fist size hole appeared on the alien's body when the plasma hit. The face, the body, the groin. 

The chitauri are facing a roadblock. Consequently, that will be Bryan's name in the future. 

"Spread out. We need to hold them until Mr. Knight shut down the wormhole, Bryan ordered the 4 lads with him. 

A black quinjet flew 50 meters over the shelter. It is followed by 30 gliders shooting at it. The quinjet avoided it using a Barrel roll, but he is not sure he can do it twice. 

"F*ck!" Coulson cursed softly. 'Where is the rest of Shield?' He thought. There is a headquarters in New York. Why isn't there anyone else helping the city?

The fight seems long, but it is only 10 minutes since the hole in the sky opened. However, that is enough time for air support to come. 

*Boom Boom* The gliders that are following the Quinjet are shot down by another ship. 

"Are they here?" Coulson mumbles expectantly, but then, he sees something strange. 

Fury, who is in the helicarrier, is watching the battle from the satellite. The communication is back up, but the helicarrier still is moving slowly because of the damage. 

"Allies…or…" Fury didn't finish the sentence. He saw what was helping Coulson's Quinjet. 

With a streamlined shape, the red, yellow, and green fighter class spaceship is helping Coulson and is escorting the jet. The spaceship is about the same size as the quinjet, making it easier for city battles. 

The spaceship is connected to Coulson's Quinjet.

"Hello there. We are the D.O.T.U. Here to help."  

Meowth is proud as he is the one who created the acronym. 

"Do?" Coulson is confused and vigilant.

"Defender of the Universe. The introduction can be put on hold. All you need to know is… We are allies in this battle."

Yelena took over the call from Meowth as the cat is confusing people. 

"That's good to hear," Ryan cuts into the line and says to Yelena. Coulson is flabbergasted to see what is transpiring.

"You will obey my command in the battle unless it's necessary for you to interfere. I need one of the ships to go SouthWest. A battalion of gliders is breaching the perimeter."

Ryan ordered the ships casually. Coulson feels like he is going to get a migraine from the stress. He can't correct Ryan's behavior as he will undermine his authority in times of battle. The allies are still listening to the call. 

"Okay Phil, you can explode now," Ryan said as he disconnected the Quinjet from the spaceship.

"We need to find out their identity first! What if they make things worse?" Coulson let out a small explosion. 

"Worse than it already is? They are attacking the Chitauri. That's good enough for me. Where is Shield by the way?" 

Phil becomes silent. He then sighs. All around the world, people are watching the battle from footage of the die-hard reporter still inside the battle zone. 

Ryan furrowed his brows. He didn't know what his action would bring. But he needs to show people there are good aliens too. 

After the battle, what will people think of the galaxy? There will only be bad aliens there. The aliens who came by are all evil. 

Now, there is an alien team fighting to help them. The hatred people have for these visitors is starting to sway. 

The red spaceship marked H-1 is Yelena's spaceship. She is riding with Lorraine, an ex-widow that got the highest point in a spaceship battle virtual game. Too bad her point will be surpassed by Richard. 

"H-1 is reporting for duty," Yelena says playfully. She is disguised as a Zen-whoberis. The same race as Gamora. Lorraine is disguised as an ordinary Xandarian. 

"You look cute," Ryan said as he saw Yelena's disguise. Her face didn't change. Only the skin does. 

"Really? Did this type of stuff make your heart flutter?" Yelena teased. They are only fighting from the spaceship unless Ryan orders them to join the battle. Yelena is shooting while Lorraine is driving. 

"Better than the Oni," Ryan said, stunning Yelena. Ryan can control the communication line, so he can speak casually with the ships. 

"Go chase the gliders heading toward Manhattan. Try to keep them from breaching the perimeter," Ryan ordered Yelena. 

"Okay BOSS," Yelena replied formally. "Will we get a bonus after this?" She asks playfully. 

"Ask Hela for the bonus," Ryan skirts off the topic. The red ship shoots down the gliders and it returns to the battleground. The main focus of the spaceship is to fight the gliders and distract the leviathan. 

Frank Castle is driving the yellow ship. It is the best fighter ship among the three. He is hunting down the leviathan, shooting continuously at their head until the armor is shattered. When the armor shattered, a missile flew toward the hole and exploded the leviathan's head. 

"I don't need to wear the armor if I am not getting out aren't I?" Frank complained. It is very hard to get into the Boba Fett armor. 

Meowth, Park Shin, Annika, and Ana are inside the blue spaceship. They are perching below the wormhole, shooting upwards toward the coming army. 

"This is fun," Meowth said as he shot crazily. He isn't in any disguise as he is an alien species.  

"I want to use my sword," Park Shin is sulking. Why did she become a furry anyway if she didn't need to get out of the ship?

Ana and Annika are a pair of twins because of Ana's insistence. They are a pink skin race, like the ones Ryan drops off to Xandar.

Why does Ryan ask them to be an alien?

When Ryan remembers back the plotline in the MCU, he got some many questions.

The world was jolted to wake up from its peaceful sleep. They know they are not the only species in the world. But, why did the world stay the same?

Why did humanity…didn't change? Why is war among our species still happening? Why do we still judge others by the color of our skin? Where is the progress? The poor are still poor. The rich are adding to their riches. 

We are still divided by our borders. We didn't unite as a species to prevent further harm on the planet. Why is that?

Is it because of the Avenger? The world has its protector that can fight the alien race. So why should anyone else do anything? Is it the Celestial? Keeping humans on the planet to hatch Tiamat?

The era of space exploration is pushed backward. People are content to live in the protection of the heroes. They are afraid to explore the galaxy. 

"Hell, all of the techs from the aliens are confiscated by Shield and the DODC. So how are people supposed to learn?"

The ones that did, become a supervillain. Ryan is dissatisfied with this. There is infinite wealth in the universe. Even our Solar system can provide us with material for thousands of years. 

There is an outstanding number of geniuses in the universe. Why doesn't anyone manage to change the world? 

"H-2, head to the North area of the city. A squadron of gliders already broke out of the perimeter," Ryan signaled to the ship that had Frank Castle in it. 

"On it," Boba Fett rocketed toward the gliders and hunted them immediately. 

Loki almost cursed. Why is there a helper? 

"Shoot down the shi…" He wants to give an order. But suddenly the sky went dark. He became confused. It is still daylight. 

He turns to look at the source of the Darkness. *bam* The hulking figure that covered the sky when he jumped toward Loki landed in front of the mad god. 

"Hmph," Hulk grunted as he grabbed Loki's leg and held him upside down. 

"Enough! I am a god you dull creature, I won't be bullied by…" Loki tries to aim the scepter at the Hulk, but he is too late. 

*smash* *smash* *smash-smash* Hulk smacks  Loki on the rooftop's ground. 

"Hmph. Puny god," Hulk harrumphed before he jumped on top of a leviathan, leaving Loki broken and submerged inside the brick ground, moaning in pain.

The scepter falls toward the ground, on the empty streets. It was supposed to stay there until Ryan Brainbots collected it, but when the bots come, the scepter is gone. 

"Look, the army stops coming!" Steve said as he looked at the wormhole. There are only a few gliders passing through right now. If Steve looks carefully, he can see that the hole is blocked from the other side.

Next chapter