
The Breakfast

I opened the portal inside the Castle and picked up the sleeping girl along with her rat. Luna followed me through the portal.

I heard laughter and voices of excitement and awe coming from the dining hall.

"Van, come here we have guests", I called Van. She came from the dining hall and came near me to hold the girl. The rat jumped off to the girl's head.

I saw Evelyn come with the group of ladies. They all looked beautiful, in contrast to their previous look.

The Vampires always bought beautiful ladies with strong willpower.

The laughter of the girls wakes the rat girl. She felt warm around her body as if someone was holding her gently.

She jerked up and instantly jumped off Vanessa's hold and stared vigilantly at us.

"Did you kidnap me, I am warning you don't even try to do anything bad to me otherwise my father will hunt you down", she said in a firm voice.

I was impressed by her first reaction, normally a person would fear if they were transported to an unknown location with unknown people standing in front of them.

"Go take a bath, you stink, smelly brat. This is how you treat your savior", I made fun of her.

She smells herself and shouted to hide her embarrassment, "I am not smelly, you are smelly. Don't tell me you are a pedophile and want me to take a bath to ravage my body".

"Oh, it looks like I don't need to play around the bushes, you guessed it right I want your short undeveloped, malnourished, flat chest body, come here into my clutches you little girl", I said playfully and raised my hands with bent fingers to scare her.

Every word from my mouth was like arrows that hit her heart. She understood my teasing and was about to retort but the white rat came in front of her eyes to distract her.

"Sebastian, what happened let me show that smelly old man the power of Ratcatcher", she tried to remove the rat named Sebastian from her vision but stopped in the middle. She seemed to be able to speak the language of rats and communicate with them.

"Evelyn takes these items and prepares the kitchen I will come to prepare the breakfast after the bath", I left the girl talking to Sebastian and instructed while taking out things from the portal which was opened to the place where I collected the bought items.

It was difficult to carry so I just collected them in one place and accessed it with my portal.

"I am sorry", I heard the rat girl say sorry to me.

I was surprised by the change in her attitude, I thought that she was tsundere but she was more mature than I thought.

"It's okay, anyone would be vigilant when someone just kidnaps you from your place", I said while making my way towards the room that I designed for me and Vanessa.

I didn't forget to add, " Van please clean that smelly bratty girl", and ran away without waiting for the girl to reply.

She was about to reply but wasn't able to do so.

"Come let me take you to the bathroom", Vanessa said to the girl.

The girl started to follow and for the first time since she came here noticed her surroundings and was shocked to see the sheer size and luxury around her. Her eyes were shining seeing so much money.

"By the what's your name", Vanessa asked her, to which she subconsciously replied, "Cleo Cazo".

Vanessa shook her head when she saw Cleo staring at her surrounding in awe.

She had the same expression as Cleo when she first entered the Castle.

While Vanessa was guiding Cleo to the bathroom I was bathing and thinking about the similarities between Cleo from the Suicide Squad 2 to the one that I saved.

They both were innocent, although it would be difficult to trick her due to her being trained to be a thief by her father.

I didn't have any plans to trick her, I just saw her in a desperate situation and helped her.

Her powers would be useful if utilized properly.

After 15 minutes I was at the door of the dining hall, I entered and was greeted by the site of Ancient One and Katana playing with the girls.

All the girls were chirping happily seeing different magic tricks from Ancient One and sword movements from Katana.

Katana's behavior was a surprise to me but I concluded that the change in her behavior must be due to her maternal instinct kicking in when seeing the girls of the same age as her dead daughters.

I also saw Cleo playing with the girls.

I entered the kitchen which was attached to the dining room. This room was a personal room for me and Vanessa, and I made it attached to show my cooking skills.

A person in love always tries to impress his/her love.

My entry made the children quiet down as they looked for the newcomer, that was me.

"Father!!!", the girls except Cleo shouted at once and ran towards me.

"What happened? How did I become their father in just a few hours? And where is the Infinite Intelligence when I need it the most", my mind was a mess, I couldn't comprehend the situation?

I extended several hands to hug them all at once. What can I do in this situation? I cannot just say I am not your father to these cute little creatures when they were hugging me like a koala.

I looked toward Evelyn for an explanation.

"Father we are hungry", said the girl named Ella.

She had red hair and ruby red eyes. I only know her name from the memories of a vampire-turned-woman. I didn't know her personality as all of the children were scared and quiet all the time in the prison due to fear of being beaten.

I pat her head and said, "I cannot keep my daughters waiting. Come on every one leave me so I can cook delicious food for all of us".

I couldn't t bring myself to say that I was not their father when seeing their innocent and pure face.

The audience at the back was surprised, Evelyn and the prisoner ladies were surprised that I didn't reject the girls calling me, father. They were afraid of me getting angry.

Ancient One, Katana, and Vanessa were surprised by my gentle and warm attitude towards the girls.

I ignored them and went toward the kitchen to prepare the meal. The girls followed me but stopped them by saying, "Go sit on the chair, you all will be able to see clearly from there, you may get hurt by the fire in the kitchen".

They happily obliged my request and sat on the chairs eagerly waiting to see me cook.

They were surprised when they saw the beautiful room that they woke up in. They asked and found that I made all of this from magic, so they were excited to see me cook, expecting it to be magical too.

I started cooking with different styles and stunts to impress my audience. I also used magic circles to give the girls what they were expecting. My work was rewarded with clapping and cheering from the girls, Cleo was also surprised by my show and was clapping non-stop.

The scene of me hugging the girls reminded her of her father when he was alive.

All the ladies except Vanessa were surprised by my show and the skill that I was demonstrating.

I finished my cooking, and the fragrant aroma filled the room. The Ancient One was also craving the food by smelling the scent.

I asked the ladies for help serving the breakfast. The breakfast was simple yet was beautiful to look at when served on a plate.

I seated on the center seat and asked the ladies to sit down too. My seat was in the middle of the girls, they played games to decide who will sit beside me.

When I said to start I heard, "Father, say Aa", I tilt my head right and left to see that they were holding their spoon ready to feed me.

I shook my head and smiled, I extended my neck to every girl to feed me. They were not afraid of my extended neck but rather clapping to see me perform magic in front of their eyes. I patted their head praising them for what they did earning myself cute giggles from them.

The breakfast was full of laughter and smiles. This breakfast also helped me increase trust for me in the ladies and Cleo.

Ancient One was also happy to see that her judgment was not wrong.

Vanessa was happy to see my interaction with the children and was happily fantasizing about a child with me.

The most important thing that led to these events, was the taste of my dishes. They were speechless tasting my dishes, even Ancient One was surprised. The dishes tasted heavenly.

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