
A Similar Unknown Man And His Philosophy

(N:Patience my people patience )

"Hello there!"


A deep voice filled with ancientness thundered into Misha's small ears, inducing a feeling as if her head was going to explode.

Well, fortunately that did not happen.

But it was enough to scare the shit out of her.

"...Who! Where?" She looked around, finding nothing but more white space and more white space.

"Don't be afraid child named Misha i won't hurt you, probably," The deep voice of a male just behind her startled her.

Looking around her gaze met a figure of a person with similar hight, But that was where the similarities end.

A thick black hue surrounded the figue's, making her unable to makeout the figure's face or body features. But the person was certainly a Male.

Vigorous white flame danced around the figure, making the figure look like a flaming demon from frozen hell.

All in fact, this two was not the figure's most striking feature.

A low pitched humming was heard. This low pitched humming was produced precisely from his eyes.

Eyes that could possibly illuminate the entire world with its mere glance alone shone with such a powerful silver radiance, making it virtually impossible to make out the person's facial features.

Misha stared at the mysterious figure with an open mouth. If she were a girl from a planet called earth, she would have probably freaked out by now.

But Misha was not form earth. She was born in world were the strong rule. Where children grew up hearing stories about powerful legends. Where beings who performed the unnatural more, were respected more.

So naturally Misha neither was an exception to those stories children used to hear. In fact she admired the powerful, Even though she was as a little envious hearing about their health. She always wanted to meet one of those powerful figures like Darwin².

In fact seeing the visage of this mysterious person she was so mesmerized that she subconsciously opened her small mouth.

"Little girl, close you mouth, will you. It's a bad habit to stare at others with your mouth hanging wide open," he said.

She immediately closed her mouth before a small blush formed on her cheeks, "S-sorry,"she said.

"No need to apologize. I'm just humbly pointing out a few things" The mysterious person spoke.

There was an awkward silence for a humble moment. Un-embracing the silent Misha opened her mouth and spoke.

"S-So...where am i?"

The figure remained silent for a humble movement before speaking, "A place with a time flow unrelated to your world. A place which had a glimpse of truth"

The figure's answer only confused her. The flow of time she knew nothing of it. The only time she knew of was the time on a clock and it was the first time she heard time is relative.

And what kind of bullshit was even a glimpse of truth?

"Who are you?" she asked.

"You've been asking me the wrong question the whole time," the figure said in a fading voice, for the world to be again dominated by the low pitch humming.

"Wrong question? what are you hinting at?" Misha said.

"*Ahem take your time you have all the time in the world... or out off the world hahaha" he said with a oblivious sense of humor that our poor Misha couldn't even understand.

Misha poked her cheeks unexpectedly making a cute pondering expression. Seeing this he cursed inwardly 'Damn this girl... making me remember my super cute girl'

Next movement she asked "By the way, why am i here?"

"Haha you final found it. Correct question!" His wicked smile widened, but it went unnoticed by Misha.

"Yes that's the correct answer—Why!..you are here for a purpose!"

Misha tilted her head growing more confused. She sweared to herself that she would never talk riddles, no It's just stupid talk, "What purpose," She asked impatiently.

This guy has the balls to kidnap her into this unknown white space just to talk stupid riddles. She wondered if all men in power are crazy in head.

Anyway she decided to listen to this crazy man, after all she could do nothing but sit and listen her life was in his hands after all.

The figure floated up infront of her and bend down his neck, "Misha be honest what do you want to become. Don't say the carp everyone used to say, to be stronger, that's just a forced goal by nature for survival. What i want to hear is, what do you want to do. Just by sleeping alone, your power and lifespan will automatically increase... i can graduate that the peak of the world is not an impossibility for you... so what do you aspire to become?"

Hearing his words Misha was a little surprised knowing this person knew a lot about her. Also it was not that surprising considering how powerful he was.

Many of his words were valid. This world is like a box of survival. The strong got the privilege to make decision on the life of the weak and if you want to control your life, the answer is to get stronger.

Being stronger had not just the benefit of controlling their own life, there is a byproduct—extended life span. People go crazy over it. We can already guess how people of earth will react if there was a medicine that could lessen aging just by a mere 10 years.

But for people here lifespan upto three century is not even a dream any more.

This resulted in men and women alike falling in false illusion that if they keep getting stronger death-door will not approach them, well they are right. Even still the passage of time never stopped for them.

Many humans are stubborn 'the never giving up type',ie. simultaneously the races greatest boon and its damnation.

Well, until old age hit them. Untill reality bitch-slapped them. There was no stopping death. Just just like a boys dream of marring the most beautiful girl—a pipe-dream. Additionally that the same Disdain they showed older generations in their youth will bite them back. Humbly fucked by karma, their fate.

Misha was a deep thinker. It was a trait/habit she acquired just by being bored. If you are blind your sences will be more focused on hearing, if you are bored you will keep thinking random things.

And just by thinking a lot of random things, she had a clue how things worked. This was a prime example of how the environment has influence on its beings. Stephen Hawking was not just smart because he is 'Stephen Hawking' his environment and physical state also had an influence in his making.

In Misha's case after a lot of thinking and observation she came to a conclusion, this country, no, in this entire word— people are just after power and more power. Only a rare few existed to help others, the rest are selfish. This didn't mean that she hated strength, for her strength was just a tool for survival and tools must not be hated, tools must be used, utilizing till its maximum potential.

So, in short, now that she thought about it, she had a new kife and she wanted to be different. Just like the black&white haired boy that cured her, she wanted to be different— she wanted to be kind.

She wanted to be a—

"A healer!" she said with high quality resolution.

"Haha i kida expected it. So a doctor eh? considering all that you've been through that's probably the most logical choice"

"What's this doctor? you-i mean sir and what does sir mean by expected."

"Oh, m bad doctor is a different type of healer and weren't you a cripple just recently. Well, you path was well within my expectations because humans are sometimes just... so predictable," he continued while his figure looked up.

"Without suffering you will not know the true meaning of happiness. Without cause there is no effect³. You see Misha if you were a noble scion chance is greater that you would turn into an arrogant bitch, and just like that with a simple calculation of many scenarios i just guessed your mind"

Misha like a goldfish opened her mouth and closed it again only to repeat it again afterward.

This just portrayed how she couldn't refute, even though indirectly, he called her a bitch, she didn't have time to focus on trivial things like other girls.

Because she comprehended from his world alone that her life was easily an calculable one. A feeling of smallness swelled up. She felt like she returned to times when she was insignificantly weak, layed up in her bed unable to walk or be happy.

A little girl who was like a candle flame, tilting towards were the wind-blows, an insignificant flame who could just be blown out.

Her mood was fouled.

Perhaps sensing her mod he spoke comforting, "don't be down. It's just one of the many factors of life"

After Misha calmed down he spoke again.

"Misha is reason i so forcibly pulled you here is—"


The white space rumbled. Soon erupting without warning cerulean blue screen's filled the entire space. No they were not just screens they were rapidly moving words—lists.

It was an astounding sight to behold.

A little amount of flames on the his body ascend and disappeared.

The lists began narrow down and the rapidly moving letters slowed.

Misha squinted her sharp eyes trying to make sense out of those unknown letters. Fortunately or magically she could make-out what those words and uttered under her breath.

"Harbinger of life system?"

"Green light system?"

"Bandages are the best! system?..."

These lists have one thing in common —the word system which she didn't understand.

But she didn't dwell further into the topic, she had a feeling that her questions will be answered soon.

She looked respectfully at the mysterious person or thing, she didn't know. But this person had a certain carm in him even-though she couldn't exactly see his face, and to further back it up he seemed powerful and capable.

More white fames danced and sprinted towards the final narrowed down list. Entering into a few words as a result a pure white ball of light came out and floated in his left hand while on the right hand a normal book apeared.

As both items have shown itself he continued his words calmly.

"—to choose!...in my left hand is an order entity system. What is a system? A system is basically an entity without emotions which often times have a symbiotic relationship with a host. What does a system do? Well, if a dog is considered mans best friend, then a system is considered a loner's best friend. A companion who will never betray you. A companion who will aways listen to your worries without a single trace of emotion or contempt." he paused and continued.

"There is a saying that success flocks towards the hardworking... But i have a different approach or say in this matter. 'If there is a cause their is an effect'. Think of it like this, on one side there is astronomically large number of people who got many things in their life for granted, like the noble children who inherited their parents powers. On the other side there are people who work their ass off daily only to get nothing. You can relate that this people are either lucky or unlucky,"

"But when everything is done and all, there is the question whether you were lucky or not, whether due to causality you gained something or not.

Work is a cause and reward is an effect. There requires a right condition or tool for a good effect." he gazed at Misha seeing her blank look he sighed and thought.

'Ai should stop talking to 10 years old philosophically just look at her face. If words of philosophy were droplets of water for her, she would probably be facing a storm right now... Maybe i should stop talking and get directly to the point' he thought.

Unbeknownst to the flaming figure. Misha's brain which is more mature compared to the other kids of her age was able to ascertain many of the complex philosophical thoughts.

But, even so, she was till a child and was unable to understand it completely because of its complexity.

"What i am trying to say is this System can be a tool that can help achieve an effect alining with your goals."

The white ball of light floated away from him and floated a meter in-font of Misha. Misha with a tingle of exitement gazed at the ethereal ball of light with wanting eyes.

The Next instant the normal looking book also floated infront of her.

"Oho the fun has just began," his voice conveying exitement "The normal looking book you see here is the most wanted book in the entirety of existence..."


¹(A/N: We should always open our hearts to welcome many possibilities. That why i used 'probably' here. There is always the chance for a girl to be overy brave or to be a weeb *culture!!!!*)

²Darwin and Mio the two reincarnated people

³No this is not the central theme

Ur_Papacreators' thoughts
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