
Act 18: Supercomm [Ep4]

At Hawkin's high school, area between the gym and school area (The alley like area). Time: Morning . . . . 

Nancy and Steve were standing in front of each other, Nancy had just told Steve what she saw in the woods by his house. He was beyond confused, to say the least, "So, Wait a sec. I don't understand. You went back to my house?" Nancy nodded his head, "To look for Barb" She clarified. 

Steve shook his head, crossing his arms in front of his chest, "Yeah, okay, but why didn't you just talk to me? That's crazy" Nancy stammered, "I don't know, I . . . I was scared" She shrugged her shoulders. She was starting to think that maybe this wasn't the best idea, telling Steve. 

"You seriously think you saw a guy in a mask just . .  Hanging out in my yard?" 

"I don't think it was a mask" 

"But he had no face?" 

"I don't know! I don't know. . . . I just . . . . I have a terrible feeling about this" Nancy stammered, not sure how to word what she saw. She wasn't even sure she knew what she saw, but she still can't help this terrible feeling of dread from rising in her stomach. 

Steve's face suddenly paled, raising his hand to run his fingers through his hair, "Oh, this is bad. This is really bad" He fretted, glancing around to make sure no one was listening in to their conversation. Nancy lifted her head up to look at Stevem her eyes reflecting confusion at his sudden change in mood. 


"The cops . . . they're gonna want to talk to all of us now. Tommy, Carol, everybody who was at the party" Steve started getting fidgety, cold sweat running down his forehead as he thought of what would happen if his father found out they had beers at their party. 

Nancy, however, didn't seem to understand how that correlated with her previous statement, "So?" 

"My parents are gonna murder me!" Steve exclaimed, huffing as he turned away from Nancy. Nancy, after processing what he meant, scoffed. She was speechless at his behavior, her best friend was missing yet all he cares about it not getting caught drinking beer by his parents. 

"Are you serious right now?" She was enraged, her anger just slowly bubbling until it burst. 

Steve, unfortunately, didn't notice how upset she was seeing as how he was turned away from her. He groaned, "You don't understand. My dads a grade-A asshole" He crossed his arms in front of his chest as he turned back to Nancy. 

"Barb is missing! And you're worried about your dad?" She was dumbstruck. How could someone be such a douche? 

Steve sighed, "Okay, just . . .  when you talk to the cops, just . . . don't mention the beers. It's just gonna get us both in trouble, and Barbara's got nothing to do with it, okay?" He tried to reason with her but that just made her more upset, She scoffed, "I can't believe you right now. I can't believe you" She turned and picked up her bag from the ground before walking away from Steve. 

"Nancy" Steve called after her but she didn't stop walking or turn back, "Nancy, wait! Nancy!" She kept walking until she couldn't hear Steve calling after her anymore. She had unshed tears pooling in her eyes as she sniffled before wiping them away with her sleeve. She just wanted Barb back. 

At the Wheeler's house, Basement. Time: Morning . . . . 

On the cement floor of the basement sat the trio and the pair sitting in a circle, Twelve and Eleven were sitting in between Mike (Twelve was sitting on Mike's right) and Dustin (Eleven was sitting on Dustin's left). Eleven had the Supercomm in her lap while her left hand was holding onto Twelve's right hand. 

*Radio Frequencies tuning* 

There was an indistinct whimpering coming from the Supercomm, "We keep losing the signal, but you heard it right?" Mike finally broke the silence, His eyes glancing between the Supercomm and Twelve. The reason being, Twelve was slightly swaying back and forth as he sat on his knees. Twelve was exhausted from straining his body so much yet he didn't want to collapse just yet, He had to be there for Eleven. So he pushed himself to stay awake and focus on the task at hand. 

Mike, however, had taken notice of the fact that Lev looked really pale and the slight swaying but He too had to focus on the task at hand so he let him be for now. Though he would definitely ask him what was wrong later. 

Mike was pulled from his thoughts when he heard Lucas say something, "Yeah, I heard a baby" He huffed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. Mike faltered, his gaze finally settling on Lucas across from him, "What?" He was speechless, How could Lucas not tell that it was Will? 

Lucas sighed, uncrossing his arms, putting his hand to his forehead in exasperation, "Mike, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor. It's probably the Blackburn's next door" He proposed, finding some kind of logical explanation that made Mike groan from annoyance. 

"Uh, did that sound like a baby to you? That was Will!" Mike stubbornly insisted, glaring at Lucas who lgared right back at him, "Mike . . . " He started but Mike didn't give him a chance to finish what he was going to say.

"Lucas, you don't understand. He spoke last night. Words! He was singing that weird song he loves, Even El and Lev heard him!" 

"Oh, Well, if the weirdo's heard him, then I guess- - - - " Lucas rolled his eyes when Dustin cut in, "Are you sure you're on the right channel?" Mike looked away from Lucas and Dustin, his gaze going to Twelve than to El before resting on the supercomm on her lap, "I don't think it's about that. I think, somehow, they're channeling him." 

Dustin snapped his fingers, the cogs in his brian turning before coming to a conclusion, "Like . . .  Like Professor X." Mike nodded his head, His gaze returning to Dustin and Lucas, "Yeah." 

Lucas rolled his eyes again, not believing that Dustin Was actually believing all this nonsense Mike was spouting, "Are you actually believing this crap?" Dustin shook his head, resting his pointer finger and his thumb under his chin and lip, "I don't know, I mean . . .  Do you remember when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger? He sounded a lot like that." 

Lucas could feel the anger inside him boiling up, about to burst. Twelve could feel it as well and felt bad for him, this whole situation was just so messy right now. 

"Did you guys not see what I saw? They pulled Will's dead body out of the water. He's dead!" The whole group frowned when Lucas said this, He was right though, even if Mike wanted to deny it. But he knew that Will was alive, somewhere, somehow and He'd find him. 

"Well, maybe it's his ghost. Maybe he's haunting us." Dustin suggested before quickly getting shot down by Mike, "It's not his ghost." Dustin frowned, "So how do you know that?" Mike huffed in frustration, "I just do!" 

"Then what was in that water?" 

"I don't know! All I know is that Will is alive. Will is alive! He;s out there somewhere. All he have to do is find him." 

Every then became quiet, the trio panting slightly as they caught their breaths from yelling at each other.Twelve took this opportunity to say something, something that had been weighing on his mind since he first saw Will and Mike and his friends. He needed to tell them now before it was too late. 

"I . . .  I saw Will . . . and Bar-Barbara . . . "He spoke quietly, his free hand held rory as he slowly looked up at the boys. He had definitely gained their attention now, He smiled ever so slightly before he continued speaking, "Safe fo-for now, but n-not long. Demo-Demogorgon after the-them . . .  They ran . . . and Hid . . . .  . . Not have-have mu-much time left  . . .  must hurry . . . " He hoped that the boys wouldn't just dismiss him this time, like the last time he told Mike about when he saw Will.

"What are you talking about? How'd you see them?" Lucas glared at Lev, obviously not believing him one bit. His glare made Twelve falter but Eleven squeezed his hand as a reassurance which made him feel a bit better. He cleared his throat, looking Lucas dead in the eyes as he said, "Upside down." 

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