
Act 8: Danger Danger [Ep2]

{A/N: I'll be skipping the flashback with Will and Jonathan as well as Joyce asking for a raise and the new phone since I'm not exactly sure how to write that scene, I'm sorry. Also The scene where Dr.Brenner and his group find the goo or whatever in The Byers Shed! I'm sorry, again} 

At The Wheeler's house, Mike's bedroom. Time: Morning . . . 

Mike, Twelve and Eleven were now all in Mike's bedroom, Mike was showing the pair his toys. Elleven didn't seem to have an interest in them but Twelve did, Twelve looked fascinated as Mike introduced him to all his toys. There a small yoda toy Mike was showing Lev {A/N: I'm going to keep alternating between Twelve/Eleven and Lev/El} however, Lev's gaze settled on a dinosaur toy on the table. Mike saw what he was staring at, he picked it up and showed Lev, " This is my dinosaur, Rory. He has a speaker in his mouth so he can speak, See . .  " Mike pushed Rory's button, making it roar at Twelve - - Who flinched a little. 

Twelve was curious about the Dinosaur and the sound it made, " R-Roar? " Lev copied it, tilting his head to side as he poked the dinosaur. Mike felt his cheeks heat up a little bit before clearing his throat as he looked over at Eleven. She was looking at some of his trophies on his shelves, Lev decided to follow him over to El. He stuck himself to El's side - - - Still holding onto Rory. 

" These are all my science fair trophies. We got first every year. Except for last year when we got third but Mr. Clarke said it was totally political " Mike explained for them, Eleven was poking the trophies while Lev was looking at one of the photos that were on the shelves, leaning against one of the gold cups when he froze. 

He felt his heart start pounding in his chest, He felt all the blood rushing from his face as he stared at a familiar face. He slowly raised his shaking hand and tugged on El's sleeve. El looked at him, tilting her head as He lifted one finger and  . . . Pointed to Will in the picture. His eyes were wide as he took a small step back and hid behind Eleven. Mike saw the whole thing. He looked at Eleven- - -  Her expression matching Lev's soon after she got a good look of Will. Tears started pooling in her eyes as she grabbed onto Twelve's hand with her own. 

" You know Will? Did you see him? Last night? On the road? " Mike faltered, He saw Twelve shake his head as he backed away from the picture with Rory clutched close to his chest. Twelve whimpered as his head started hurting, Eleven turned away from the Picture and over to Lev. Mike was about to ask them if they were alright but he heard the roaring of a car engine. 

He hurried over to his Window, He saw his mother and Holly pulling into the Driveway. He started panicking a little, " We gotta go " Mike hurriedly told them as he grabbed El's wrist, who grabbed Twelve's wrist. Mike pulled them down the stairs but quickly pushed them back up when he saw his mother entering the house with Holly on his Hip and Groceries in her other arm. 

Karen was talking to Holly when She heard feet scurrying upstairs, She turned her attention towards the stairs, " Ted? Is that you? " She called out, setting Holly down on the ground as she went towards the kitchen to put the groceries away. 

" Just me, Mom! ' Mike yelled downstairs as he pushed El and Lev into his room, " Mike? What are you doing home? " Karen questioned her son as she headed towards the stairs, " One second, Mom! " Mike opened his closet for Twelve and Eleven but both were slightly hesitant to enter. 

" Hide in here " He told them, " I'll be right back, okay? Please, You have to get in, or my mom, She'll find you. Do you understand? I won't tell her about you two, I promise " Mike reassured them watching the two very slowly step into the Closest, " Promise? " Twelve repeated, Looking at Mike with confusion as he held onto Eleven.

" It means something you can't break. Ever. " Mike explained before closing the closest door and exiting the room. 

Once they were left alone in the dark and cramped closet, Eleven started crying as she remembered the times when she would be put in the closet back at the lab when she didn't complete her task or when she did something bad. Her back hit the wall as she started sliding down to the ground, sobbing. 

Twelve quickly dropped down next to her, He hugged her head against his head. He held back tears as he shook the memories of his time in the closet away and focused on comforting El. He kissed her head as he cradled her head in his hands, " S-Safe El, N-No p-papa . . .  No bad . . .  No . . . No da-dark room . . . N-No more . . . . " Twelve sniffled as Eleven sobbed harder into his chest as she held onto Twelve, clutching his shirt in her hands. 

At The Wheeler's house, Living room. Time: Morning. . . .

Mike was sitting on the couch with his mother, He quickly came up with an excuse but was worried his mom wouldn't believe him, " I just- - - I don't feel good. I woke up and my head- - - It hurt really bad, and my throat wa all strachy - - - and I wanted to tell you but the last time I told you I was sick - - - You made me go to school anyway and - - - - " Michael" Karen cut her son off before he finished his sentence. Mike gupled looking up at his mother, " Yeah?". 

" I'm not mad at you" Karen sighed softly at Mike, Who looked at her with an incredulous expression on his face, " Y-You're not?" Mike stuttered as he shifted in his spot on the couch,

" No, Of course not. All this thats been going on with Will, I can't imagine whats its been like for you. I just want you to feel like you can talk to me. I never want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me. I'm here for you " Karen smiled at her son as she kissed his forehead, {A/N: What? Is he just supposed to say " Okay Mom. Well me, lucas and Dustin went out at night to look for Will but instead we found two lost kids who seem to know Will and Know they're living in our basement" ?} Mike nodded his head when there was a soft thump from upstairs. 

Karen and Mike looked up, " Is there someone else here? " She asked, turning back to Mike - - - Who shook his head, " No" He answered with a shake of his head as he smiled. Once that conversation was over and Karen went to take care of Holly and the groceries, Mike ran upstairs and locked his bedroom door as soon as he shut it. 

He hurriedly opened the Closet door, spotting a sobbing Eleven and sniffling Twelve on the ground- - - - - Hugging each other tightly. Mike kneeled down on the floor in front of them, going slow so he didn't scare them anymore, " Twelve? Eleven? Is everything Okay? El? Lev? " Mike gently rested his hands on the pairs shoulders. 

They looked over at Mike, who had concern etched into his features, They both nodded their heads- - - Wiping their tears away with their sleeves, " Mike" Eleven spoke as she helped Twelve get his hair out of his eyes, " Are you sure?" He questioned them, not convinced they were fine at all. " P-Promise " Lev smiled at him as he finally stopped crying. Eleven nodded her head to his answer. 

At Woods, Time: Morning . . . 

The search party was still searching for Will, " Will Byers!! " Hopper shouted, " Will! " Officer Callahan shouted when his foot almost slipped off the edge where he was standing above a lake, " Whoa Whoa, Careful. I need you alive for the next few days, at least" Hopper grabbed Callahan by the arm and pulled him back from the edge slightly. 

" Oh, Hell, I could survive that " Callahan shrugged his shoulder as he peered over the edge of the cliff, Hopper gave him a very doubtful look, " What? George Burness made the jump. And he was drunk as a skunk. He did it on a $10 bet" (CN)

" George is a Liar. You make that jump from this height, that water turns into cement. Hits you like a ton of bricks, breaks every damn bone in your body " Hopper explained, Callahan looked back over at the lake before shaking his head and baking away. 

Hopper and Callahan were about to walk away when Hoppers radio went off, " Chief, You copy?" Florence was on the other end of the radio static, " Yeah, Flo. Talk to me " Hopper answered before waiting a beat Florence to respond. " We got a call from over at Benny's. I think you need to get over there right away " Florence told him with dread and seriousness filling her voice. 

Hopper felt a sense of dread filling him when he heard what florence said, He looked up at Callahan- - - Who had an equally dreadful expression on. They quickly boarded their cars and headed over Benny's burgers and Ice cream with their siren's balring. When they got there, there was already an ambulance and other police officers. 

Hopper, Callahan and Powell walked into the diner, before quickly covering their noses when the stench of death hit their noses. They immediately noticed the body laying on the table with gun in their hand. There was a gunshot wound to their forehead, this body was quickly recognized to be Benny. 

There were flies buzzing around Benny's body that Hopper shooed away as the three got closer to the body, " Suicide?" Powell guessed, still covering his nose from the odour the body was emitting. Hopper nodded his head, humming a positive response to Powell's question. 

" You must feel like a big city cop again, Huh Chief?" Callahan smiled slightly at Hopper, " Well, I mostly dealt with strangers back then. . . Benny was my friend" Hopper sighed, his eyes saddening as he stared at Benny's dead body wondering just who would do this and why. 

At The Wheeler's house, Mike's bedroom. Time: Afternoon . . . . 

School was over and everyone was going home, So Dustin and Lucas went over to Mike's house. They entered Mike's bedroom, only to see Twelve and Eleven relaxing on Mike's bottom bunkbed. Twelve was playing with Rory while sitting in between Eleven's criss-crossed legs. Eleven was staring at The two boys who entered the room while her arms were wrapped around Twelve. They had a blanket over their legs that Mike gave them earlier. 

Twelve was giggling to himself as he made Rory pretend to eat Eleven's hand, Eleven smiled at her brothers playing. She was happy to see him having fun for once, instead of never being allowed to speak and following Papa's orders. She was playing along with him when the bedroom door opened, She dropped her hand and narrowed her eyes- - - Ready to attack- - - but relaxed when she saw it was Mike and . . . and his friends. 

As soon as Lucas saw the pair on the bed, he flipped his shit, " Are you out of your mind?! " He was outraged, Mike had said they would be gone by today so they could go back out to look for Will but No, they were still here. " Just listen to me- - - " Mike started but Lucas cut him off, " You are out of your mind! " He Bellowed, throwing his hands up in frustration. 

" They know about Will! " He shouted as loud as he could without alerting his mother, silencing Lucas- - - Who was about to argue back, " What do you mean "They know about Will"? " Dustin faltered, patting Lucas on the shoulder to try and calm his anger down. Lucas yanked his shoulder out of Dustin's grip, pinching his nose bridge so he wouldn't snap at his friends. Dustin gestured for Mike to explain, So he did. . . . . 

" When Twelve saw a picture of Will . . .  He looked scared as he pointed to him. Eleven had the same expression on her face when she saw the picture too. They knew he was missing - - - I-I could tell . .  " Mike voiced his opinion, running his fingers through his hair as he glanced behind him at Twelve and Eleven. Eleven moved her gaze from Lucas and Dustin over to Mike, She smiled slightly as she hugged Twelve tighter against her chest. " You could tell? " Lucas wasn't believing Mike, at all. He scoffed at Eleven and Twelve, and ended up having a staring/Glaring contest with El. Eleven looked away first because Mike resumed talking, " Just think about it. Do you really think it was a coincidence that we found them on Mirkwood, the same place where Will disappeared?" Mike tried reasoning with Lucas, who just huffed under his breath. Dustin, However, was getting what Mike was pointing out, " It is weird " He commented, smiling when Twelve looked over at him- - - Smiling slightly- - - before he retired his gaze back to Rory - - - Who he was still playing with in his lap. 

" Also, They said bad people were after them. I think, maybe, these bad people are the same ones that took Will. I think they know what happened to him" Mike specified for Lucas and Dustin, both understanding what he was saying but one was more upset than the other. 

"Then why don't they tell us?!" Lucas exalimed, getting more and more agitated as their conversion went on. He got tired of listening to Mike so turned and marched up to Twelve and Eleven, who had tensed up as as soon as he started moving in their direction, and grabbed Eleven by the shoulders, shaking her slightly, 

"Do you know where he is?! Do you know where Will is?! " He raised his voice at her before getting pulled back by Mike. 

" Stop it! You're scaring them, Lucas! " Mike demanded as he stood in front of the terrified pair on the bed. They were a trembling mess, Twelve was trying to calm Eleven down- - - despite the tears stinging his eyes. He felt his heart-ache, for some odd reason when he saw the tears in Twelve's eyes but shook away the feeling just as quickly as it came. 

" They should be scared! If you know where he is, tell us! Ugh, We have to take them to your mom" Lucas was getting fed up with this situation already, they were supposed to be out looking for Will, their friend, not wasting time on some strange, crazy kids that barely speak! 

Mike panicked when he heard Lucas finish his sentence, "No! Twelve said that telling any adult would put us in danger" Mike hurriedly explained, stepping closer to Lucas, "What kind of danger?" Dustin spoke up, questioning what Mike just told them. Dustin had decided to just stay in the background whale the two fought but when he heard this, he couldn't help but raise the question. 

" His name is Twelve? And her's is Eleven?" Lucas doubted, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he sighed heavily, " Lev and El for short but yeah " Mike confirmed, neither hearing Dustin but Twelve and Eleven. They looked up at him, fear slightly clouding their eyes. " Mike, What kind of danger? " Dustin repeated, emphasising some of his words to get Mike's attention. 

Mike sighed with seriousness filling his eyes,

" Danger Danger " Mike replied, making a gun with his fingers like Twelve had done in the fort. He raised his hand to Dustin's head then to Lucas's head - - - Who slapped hand away from his face. 

" No, No, No! We're going back to plan A. We're telling your mom " Lucas concluded, walking over to the door before turning the handle and opening the door, However, the door slammed shut all of a sudden. Lucas tried to open the door again but it slammed shut the same way. The trio turned to Twelve and Eleven, " No" Eleven told him, narrowed eyes as she looked at lucas. She had Blood dripping down her nose, which Twelve wiped away for her as he remained clueless about what they were talking about since he wasn't paying attention. The room was filled with silence, well except for the noises that came from Twelve and Rory. 

At Hawkins Police station. Time: Afternoon/Night. . . .

Hopper and Callahan were in front of Earl, Benny's friend. Hopper was leaning on a desk in front of Earl While Callahan was standing off to the side slightly. Earl was clearly upset after hearing What happened to Benny, Knowing he wasn't the type to just go off and kill himself. 

" Just doesn't make any sense, Chief " Earl sighed, rubbing his forehead. Hopper had a pen and pad in his hand, " You, Uh, notice anything . . .  Odd . . . about him the last few weeks? " Hopper questioned Earl as he raised the pen and pad slightly, hoping there was some clue or a suspect to this case but unfortunately, Earl just shook his head. " No, We're fixin' to go fishing down the Etowah next sunday. I mean, He was looking forward to it. I know that" Earl answered Hop, Shifting in his seat slightly. 

" He got any enemies you might know about? I mean, People that might not want him around?" Hopper inquired, He was slowly losing hope in finding a lead or suspect. Earl sighed, " The Exes didn't like him much. Thats for sure but  . . .  Nah . . " Earl apologetically answered Hopper, upset that he couldn't help anymore than this. 

" When was the last time you saw him? " 

" Yesterday. Lunch, Same as always " 

" Just you and the boys?" 

" Yep. Me and Henry and . . .  " Earl sighed before continuing, " Well, There was . . . Uh there were these kids but No kid did this  . . . " Earl chuckled dryly, Not noticing the looks Hopper and Callahan exchanged when he mentioned Kids. 

" Kids? What are you talking about?" Hopper faltered, wondering if this would be connected to Will's case. Earl looked back up at Hopper before responding, " Yeah. At Lunch, Uh, There were these two kids that, uh . . . I mean, They were trying to steal food out of Benny's kitchn. Can you imagine that? " Earl chuckled once again, wiping away the tears that were pooling in eyes as Hopper pulled a poster from the desk he was leaning on. 

" These kids . . . What'd they look like?" Hopper hesitantly probed Earl. He watched Earl frown a bit before replying, " Well One of them was, uh, about yea high. You know, tiny like but the other one was smaller . . . probably about 4'5, 4'6 Maybe But  didn't really get a good look at them. They were back in the kitchen " Earl explained, making motions with his hands. 

Hopper then showed Earl the poster of Will that Jonathan and Joyce made for him, " One of them look like this?" He inquired, Watching Earl study the picture before shaking his head. 

" Oh No, Thats . . .  thats Lonnie missin' kid. No, they were different. One had really short hair, I mean it was buzzed nearly down to the scalp . . . The other one also had shorter hair that stopped at their ears " Earl described the two kids he had gotten a glimpse of, " Yeah Well lets . . . you know, Forget about the haircut . .  I mean if one of these kids had a buzzcut . . . Could it be Lonnie's kid? " 

Earl sighed, " Well, I . . . I didn't get a good look at him. About the right height, though. I mean, Could've been . . . " Earl answered, shrugging his shoulders, " If it was then I don't know who the other one was . . . but . . . He might be another missing kid " Earl added, Hopper and Callahan exchanging glances once again. 

Great, So they had - - - Possibly- - - - Two missing kids, and A suicide . . . . 

At The Wheeler's House, Nancy's bedroom. Time: Afternoon/Night . . . .

Nancy was sitting on her bed with her phone in hand as she spoke to barbara, " Because I don't to go by myself. Barb . . . Barb, It's not rocket science. You just tell your parents you're gonna stay at my place afterwards. No, tell them we're . . . . studying " Nancy continued to convince Barb to come with her to Steve's party before her mom yelled that it was dinner time,

" Look, I gotta go. I'll see you in an hour " She said before hanging up the phone. 

At The Wheeler's House, Dining room. Time: Afternoon/Night. . . .

The Wheeler family was gathered around the dinner table, meatloaf and greens on their plates. Dustin and Lucas were having dinner at Mike's house tonight but the trio were simply too shocked to eat more than a few bites of their meal as they thought back to what El did upstairs. Their thoughts occasionally wondering if Twelve had any powers. 

Karen looked up from her plate and looked at the three boys, " Something wrong with the meatloaf?" She inquired, Dustin and the others shook their heads, " Oh, No. I had two bologna sandwiches for lunch and I don't know why " Dustin lied, smiling slightly. Lucas nodded his head, " Me too ". 

Nancy took this opportunity to speak, " It's delicious, Mommy " She complimented her mother with a sweet smile gracing her lips,

" Thank you, sweetie " Karen smiled back at her daughter before she took another bite of the meatloaf on her plate. 

" So, There's this special assembly thing tonight for Will at the school field. Barb's driving " Nancy drawled out, hoping for a positive response from her mom. Karen put her fork down on the side of the plate, " Why am I just hearing about this?" She implored, keeping her gaze rested on Nancy, occasionally glancing at Mike and his friends. 

" I thought you knew, '' Nancy answered, faking slight shock as she sat straight up in her seat at the brown wood dinner table decorated with a tablecloth and white plates. Karen sighed, wondering when her children would listen to her, " I told you, I don't want you out after dark until Will is found " Karen Explained, rubbing her nose bridge to calm the dull pain forming in her forehead. 

" I know, I know, but it'd be super weird if I'm not there. I mean, everyone's going " Nancy pleaded with her mother, Finally Karen just agreed. She didn't want to have to deal with an angry teenager again, " Just be back by 10:00. Why don't you take the boy's, too? " She suggested at the end of her sentence. 

" No! " Nancy abruptly shouted, Startling Karen, The Trio agreed with Nancy, " Don't you think you should be there? For Will? " Karen said, " Um . . . We . . . We wouldn't be able to focus because . . . Because we miss him so much .  .. .  " Lucas came up with an excuse, As Karen tried to convince the boys to go, Mike spotted Eleven and Twelve coming down the stairs. 

He was drinking his Milk but spilled it over himself when he saw The two, He started coughing which attracted Karen's attention. She was gonna see El and Lev so Dustin quickly slammed his hands down on the table, " Sorry, Spasm " He apologised after hearing Holly start crying. He quickly sat back in his seat, his gaze wondering back to Eleven and Twelve. 

Mike and Lucas did the same, their gazes resting on the stairs, Eleven glanced at them once more before she headed down to the basement . . .  but Twelve was still standing on the steps for some reason. The boy's looked at each other when they saw him frozen on the steps, Not knowing what to do. Dustin had scared him quite abit when he slammed his hands down on the table and started internally panicking. His eyes wide as he looked around, Wondering what he was supposed to do. His shoulders were trembling slightly as his eyes settled on Mike, silently asking him what he should do. 

Mike had to quickly come up with an excuse to help him otherwise his mother would see him,

" Ah! I forgot to turn my Supercomm off! I'll be right back! " He exclaimed before rushing up the stairs, Pushing Twelve in front of him until they entered Mike's bedroom. Once Mike had locked his door, He sighed with relief. He rested his forehead on the door, so glad they didn't get caught. 

Twelve felt bad, he had a vague feeling like he almost got Mike in trouble. He fidgted with his fingers as he hugged Rory closer to his chest

" S-Sorry Mike . . . El wanted b-basement . . .  I copy . . . Sorry " Lev apologised quietly, Tugging on his sleeves as a way to occupy his mind so he didn't focus so much on what had just happened. His gaze was now rested on the carpeted floor, his eyes making out patterns as his mind tried to distract him from the situation at hand. 

Mike sighed again, He turned to Twelve with a soft smile, " Its alright, You don't need to apologize. I was just a bit startled. I'm not mad at you or Eleven. Why don't you just stay up here until everyone is done eating? I'll come get you when it's clear " Mike ruffled Twelves hair gently, Twelve peeked at Mike from behind his bangs,

" Promise?" 

Mike chuckled, fixing Lev's hair so it wasn't in his eyes as he nodded, " I promise" 

With that, Mike left the room. He left Twelve all alone, With nothing but his thoughts to accompany him in the silence. Twelve felt the dark corners growing and growing until they cornered him in a spot in front of the bunk bed in Mike's room. Lev began whimpering as he felt the dark shadows watching him with their big black eyes and sharp white teeth. He heard them whispering, words echoing and bouncing off the walls that suddenly seemed so much bigger than they were before. Twelve suddenly felt much smaller than he was, He felt like everything was towering above him. He trembled harshly, trying to back as far into the corner as he could get, the shadows started forming one big shadow, like the one Will saw outside his house . . . A

Towering, twisted body, long arms, long legs . . . Except the only thing that was different . . . was the head . . . . . . the head wasn't round anymore . . . No, It looked more like . . . Like Flower petals now. Five petals spread open, multiple rows of white teeth forming circle after circle in the shadow monsters mouth. 

" G-Go away . . .Le-Leave me al-alone . . . " 

Twelve pushed his knees into his chest as far as they could to keep them out of reach of the monster, however the monster moved closer, and closer, and closer, the monster reached out, almost touching him when . . . .  The monster suddenly turned its head, looking away from Twelve. Its head was facing the window, almost as if looking at something far away. Twelve peeked at the monster from underneath his bangs. 

He saw the monster point at something out the window before suddenly vanishing. Twelve gasped as unshed tears rolled down his cheeks. He looked around, the only thing that had changed was that the monster was gone. Everything else the same, same shadows creeping up on him, same towering walls, same whispers. He figured the dark would go away too but . . .

The dark didn't retreat, Instead it seemed to swallow Twelve whole. Twelve shut his eyes, his hands clutching his hair as he let out muffled whimpers as he waited for this to be over. But Twelve didn't feel anything touch him, or attack him or anything. So Twelve opened his eyes again and he was . . . . He was still in Mike's room but it looked different. Everything was a dark blue, With vines all over the room and spore-like things floating around. 

The shadows were gone but Twelve could feel something much darker and much more sinister had taken their place. . . . The monster he saw before . . .  It was hunting something . . . Someone . . . He wasn't in Mike's room, He wasn't in Hawkins. He knew that. He had been here before. He stood up, His legs wobbling slightly as he steadied himself by holding onto the wall behind him. He quickly ran out the room, Hoping his theory was wrong. He didn't want to be here. He went down the stairs and saw The Wheeler family and the trio but they couldn't see him. He really was in . . . . 

[A/N: Sorry for the messy chapters, Its kinda hard to write everything the way I want to when I don't have a script to go off of. However most of the stuff I'm writing, Besides most of the dialogue, Is my own touch to the story. The rest of book will probably be thos messy unless I can get a hang of the writing style I want. Sorry and Enjoy!]

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